Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit 7: Further Education - Lesson 5: Listening - Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Thanh

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 (Thí điểm) - Unit 7: Further Education - Lesson 5: Listening - Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Thanh

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Study vocabulary related to the further education,

- develop their listening skills about what?

- enhance the skill of working in pairs and groups,

II. Teaching materials: Laptop, LCD projector, textbook, board, pictures. projector and powerpoint.

III. Procedure:


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- Student-in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Thanh
- Student’s ID number: DAV176056
- Instructor: Cô Ông Huỳnh Nguyệt Phượng
- Grade: 11
- Class: 11C2
- Type of lesson: Listening
- Time allowed: 45 minutes
- Date:26/02/2021
- Period: 4
I. 	Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Study vocabulary related to the further education,
- develop their listening skills about what?
- enhance the skill of working in pairs and groups,
II.	Teaching materials: Laptop, LCD projector, textbook, board, pictures.... projector and powerpoint. 
III.	Procedure:
Teacher and Students’ Activities
Look at the pictures and note down the name of the universities.
Answers key: 
Ton Duc Thang university
Foreign trade university
University of social sciences and humanities
Hoa Sen university
An Giang university
Vietnam Aviation Academy
Lead-in: So what do we call all of these items. “further education”. Today, we are learn to communicate with the theme of the further education.
- staff [stɑːf] (n) : nhân viên
- co-ordinator [kou'ɔ:dineitə(r)] (n): người điều phối, điều phối viên
- host [həʊst] (n) : người tiếp đón và chiêu đãi một hoặc nhiều khách, chủ nhà
- culture shock (n): cú sốc văn hoá
- be over the moon with = overexcited : khoái chí
- Study abroad (n) = study overseas(n) :du học
*Task 1. Look at the pictures of these students. Where do you think they are? What are they doing?
*Answer key:
Look at the Vietnamese traditional dress they are wearing. They are learning about: Vietnamese culture.
Vietnamese and international students are talking cheerfully. They are getting to know one another.
*Task 2. Listen to an international student studying in Viet Nam. He is talking about his experience of pursuing higher education abroad. Take notes about each point below.
*Answer key:
David's study-abroađ experience
1. Academic level
2. Courses he takes
Vietnamese history and economic development
3. Staff
Very friendly and helpful
4. Programme coordinator
Very organised, knowledgeable and thorough, always available for emergencies
5. Housing
Lives with a host family, has his own room, comfortable and clean, has Internet
6. Food
Eats breakfast and dinner with host family, and lunch with Vietnamese fellow students; food – healthy and delicious; has his favourite dishes
*Task 3. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given. Tick the correct boxes.
1 – David is a postgraduate student majoring in Vietnamese studies.
2 – His host family helped him overcome his culture shock.
3 – His host mum taught him how to cook Vietnamese food.
4 – He used his own motorbike to get around Ha Noi.
5 – He will have a better understanding of cultural differences and similarities when he goes back home.
Lucky number
*Answer key:
1. F
2. T
3. NG
4. F
5. T
*Task 4. Work in pairs. Discuss how you should prepare for studying abroad.
Before going abroad to study at a university in an English speaking country, a lot of hard work needs to be prepared. Such as:
- You have to score high enough to pass the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Most students are aiming to achieve an Overall Band Score between 5.5 and 7.5 out of a total of 9.0, depending upon the course and university they wish to attend.
- Studying abroad will cause some anxiety as well as excitement because you have live beyond what is familiar and comfortable. Leaving your familiar ho environment for a foreign one will challenge you in ways that you cannot anticipate Sometimes you have to face such a thing as "culture shock” that may make you distressed. Therefore, you should learn as much as possible about the history culture of the country where you are going to. It helps.
- Learn vocabulary by heart.
- Prepare for the next lesson 
- T explains the games 
- T checks ss comprehension of the explanation 
- T asks ss to look at some pictures on the screen and guess the name of the pictures.
- T divides class into two groups: group A and group B. 
- T shows each picture and ss of each group will raise their hand if they know the answer . which group has more correct answers will be the winner.
- SS take part in the game.
- T checks and explains the answers and models the pronunciation all the words. 
- T asks ss to read the words chorally and then individually.
- T asks ss “ what we call all of these items in the game?”
- SS ask “ further education”
- T says “Today, we will learn about the new lesson in unit 7”.
- T leads to pre-teach new vocabulary.
- T follows some steps of teaching new vocabulary.
- T models the new words.( picture and explanation ).
- SS listen the pronoun of the teacher.
- SS read aloud new words chorally then individually.
- T checks the stress of each word.
- T lets SS read aloud all new words.
- SS read aloud all new words.
Link: “ Ok class we move to task 1 “ 
- T shows the pictures on the screen 
- T ask ss
- Ss look at the pictures and answer the question
- T shows answer key on the screen and explains for class.
- Ss take note
Link: “Now we will move on task 2”.
-T invites one ss to read the requirements.
-T explains the instruction of task 2.
- T gives ss listen two times
- Ss listen carefully 
- T invites some ss go to the board and write down the answer
- Ss volunteer go to the board and write down the answer
- T gives ss listen one more time to check answer
-T gives feedback.
- Ss take note
“ Now, we will move on Task 3”.
- T invites one students to read the requirement of Task 3.
- T: “ we will listen again and decide if the following statements are true or false or not given. Now listen carefully”.
- T checks the requirement. 
- Ss look at the statement again listen and answer the question.
-T checks answers by “Lucky number” game.
- T divides class into two groups: group A & B.
-T shows six number on the screen and explains the instruction with whole class.
“Ok. We have six number on the screen. First, we will play “Rock Paper & scissors” to decide which group will play first. Winner group will play first. You will choose the number and answer the question with each correct answer you will have 10 points. If you choose the lucky number, the correct answer will get double score”.
-Ss join the game, they choose the number then answer and explain the answer.
- T checks and corrects answers with whole class.
Link: “After we have finished Task 3, we will move on Task 4”.
-T invites one student to read the requirement. 
- T shows the activity and elicits how to do it.
- T models the presentation.
- T check Ss understanding 
- Ss work in pairs in 3 minutes.
-T invites 2 to 3 ss to present.
-T checks the pronunciation with the whole class.
-T gives feedback.
- T gives homework.
- Ss take note.
IV.	Evaluation:
Long Xuyên, ngày 26 tháng 02 năm 2021
	Giáo viên hướng dẫn duyệt	Sinh viên 
	Cô Ông Huỳnh Nguyệt Phượng	Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Thanh

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_11_thi_diem_unit_7_further_education_l.docx