Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 1: The generation gap - Lesson 4: What are the conflicts about? - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 1: The generation gap - Lesson 4: What are the conflicts about? - Năm học 2019-2020

I. Class Description

1. No of Ss: 45 Male: 15 Female: 30

2. Level of Ss: Pre intermediate

3. Other features: A majority of Ss are in low-level of proficiency so handouts for further ideas are in need, especially after 2 (page 12).

II. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

1. Knowledge:

- identify common conflicts between parents and children; and

- be provided with a set of advice for those conflicts.

2. Skill:

- describe and explain their common problems with parents; and

- give advice for not only their peers but also themselves to tackle with those issues.

3. Attitude:

- be clearly aware of the fact that the differences in ages, experiences, hobbies, viewpoints make parents and children think differently; and

- be encouraged to have a direct talk with their parents about those differences.

III. Timing: 45 minutes


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Date of preparation: 13/7/2019
Lesson 4 – Speaking: What are the conflicts about? 
I. Class Description
1. No of Ss: 45 	Male: 15	Female: 30
2. Level of Ss: Pre intermediate 
3. Other features: A majority of Ss are in low-level of proficiency so handouts for further ideas are in need, especially after 2 (page 12). 
II. Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge: 
- identify common conflicts between parents and children; and
- be provided with a set of advice for those conflicts. 
2. Skill:
- describe and explain their common problems with parents; and 
- give advice for not only their peers but also themselves to tackle with those issues. 
3. Attitude: 
- be clearly aware of the fact that the differences in ages, experiences, hobbies, viewpoints make parents and children think differently; and
- be encouraged to have a direct talk with their parents about those differences. 
III. Timing: 45 minutes
IV. Assumed knowledge and Skills:
- Some vocabulary items related to the topic have already presented throughout the unit; and
- The skill of giving simple advice was presented in lower secondary school. 
V. Anticipated Problems and Possible Solution:
1. Anticipated Problems
- Some Ss are shy and reluctant to speak in front of a large class; and
- In spite of being taught how to give advice, some Ss may find it hard to make use of conditional type II and suggestions to give advice. 
2. Possible Solution
- With shy Ss, T may ask them to speak in a small group; 
- T should remind Ss of useful phrases such as conditional type II and suggestions before they speak. 
VI. Teaching aids: textbooks, board, handouts, projector. 
VII. Teaching Procedure
1. Oral checking: No 
2. Checking attendance: 1’
3. New lesson (42’)
Aims and Mode of Interaction
T’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
WARM -UP (3’)
1. Ask and answer
- Aim: arouse Ss’ interest and background knowledge of the topic, and lead to the topic. 
- Interaction: the whole class. 
- Asks Ss to look at picture c (page 12) and asks them:
1. Is the appearance of the children accepted by your father/ mother?
2. Is hair or clothing the problem?
- Elicits Ss and leads to the topic. 
- Act as assigned 
2. Read and match
3. Read and tick
- Aim: Ss identify and realize the current issues that others are facing.
- Interaction: individual work 
- Aim: Ss express their issues with parents
- Interaction: individual work 
- Asks Ss to read 1 (page 12) and match with the appropriate headings.
- Gives feedback 
- Asks Ss to read 2 (page 12) and tick the issues in their families. 
- Act as assigned
- Take notes 
- Act as assigned
4. Share the issues
5. Elicit solutions/ advice for the issues
6. Make a conversation
- Aim: practice speaking skills, be aware of their real situations. 
- Interaction: pair work 
- Aim: provide Ss with ideas to develop the discourse on domestic problems and solutions. 
- Interaction: pair work and group work
- Aim: practice a longer conversation and consolidate the learning points.
- Interaction: pair work 
- Asks Ss to work in pairs and share the domestic issues 
- Walks around to help if necessary. 
- Asks Ss to think of advice/ solution to certain issues;
- Provides handouts of advice/ solutions for Ss;
- Asks Ss to choose appropriate solutions/ advice. 
- Asks some Ss to present the solutions/ advice to certain problems. 
- Asks Ss to look at 3 (page 12), useful phrases and the sample conversation;
- Analyzes the sample and asks Ss to make a similar one, choosing their real issues; 
- Asks 2-3 pairs to practice and 
- Gives feedback. 
- Work in pairs and share the ideas 
- Answer T’s questions
- Receive handouts and choose
- Present their potential solutions/ advice. 
- Act as assigned 
- Take notes and make a conversation
- Present in front of the class
- Take notes. 
7. Write a summary 
- Aim: consolidate 
- Asks Ss to use a mind map to write about the most urgent/ serious issue and propose some solutions. 
- Asks 1-2 Ss to share in front of the class. 
- Act as assigned 
- Present and take notes 
VIII. Consolidation and Homework (2’)
1. Consolidation: T consolidates some main points of the lesson.
2. Homework: ?????

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_10_unit_1_the_generation_gap_lesson_4.docx