Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Chương trình học kì 1 (Bản hay)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Chương trình học kì 1 (Bản hay)

I. Objectives.

1. Knowledge

- To teach Ss to pronounce consonant clusters /tr/ , /kr/ and /br/ correctly in isolation and in


- To teach Ss the words and phrases related to household chores and duties.

- To teach Ss to use the present simple and the present continuous tense.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Pronounce consonant clusters /tr/ , /kr/ and /br/ correctly in isolation and in context.

+ Use the words and phrases related to household chores and duties.

+ Understand and use the present simple and the present continuous tense.

2. Skills

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes

- Students can know the responsibity of helping parents with household chores.

- encourage Ss to work harder

- provide Ss some motivation

III. Teaching aids and materials

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil

IV. Methods.

- Integrated, mainly communicative

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ENGLISH 10 ( NEW ) Period : 1 
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge 
- Help Ss to know about the English book grade 10 in general. (Including themes, tests, lessons etc. ) 
 - Introduce how to do an oral test, a fifteen - minute tests and a written test. 
 - Some requires of student to study well English. 
 - To help Ss have the opportunities to develop their oral fluency. 
 - To introduce the theme and units. 
2. Skills 
 - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 + Know about the English book grade 10 in general. 
3. Attitudes 
- To help Ss have motivation in learning English 
II. Teaching aids and materials. 
 - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures, PowerPoint lesson, 
 - Students: Textbook, notebook, project plans. 
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative 
IV. Teaching Procedure 
Time/Stages Activities 
1. Warm-up 
 15 minutes 
* chatting 
* Aim: get acquainted 
* Content: ask ss some questions about their daily routine 
* Product: answer the questions naturally 
* Steps: 
- introduce 
- ask ss some questions 
- ask ss to make friends by asking their partner some 
1. who is the monitor? 
2. How many girls are there in your class? 
3. Do you know what your English teacher’s name is? 
4. Lucky Number 
5. What do you prepare for this semester? 
6. Do you like studying English? Why or Why not? 
7. How do you learn English well? 
8. Do you speak English fluently? 
- T leads Ss in the lesson. 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
Group work 
2. Presentation 
25 minutes 
* Aim: help ss have general information about the book 
* Content: introduce the content, design, and 
* Product: understand what they will learn in this book 
* Steps: 
A. Content: Including six topics 
- T introduces the topics. 
1. You and me 2. Education 
3. Community 4. Recreation 
5. Nature and Environment 6. People and places 
--> Six topics are divided into ten units. 
- T asks Ss to find out the topic through the unit’s name. 
T Ss 
B. The design of each unit in textbook: 
1. Getting started: Introducing the overall topic of the unit 
2. Language: Learning vocabulary, grammar and 
3. Reading: Developing reading skills and providing Ss with 
language and ideas about the topic 
4. Speaking: Developing speaking skills and encouraging Ss 
to apply and share their own knowledge 
5. Listening: Developing listening skills 
6.Writing: Developing writing skills and helping Ss cope 
with ideas and necessary language 
7. Communication and culture: providing Ss with an 
opportunity for further practice and consolidation of the 
skills and the language learnt previously in the unit. 
8. Looking back and project: 
 - Revising and consolidating of the language in the unit 
 - Providing Ss with an opportunity to apply the language 
and skills they learnt throughout the unit to perform a task in 
a realistic situation 
- After 2 units, Ss have one Period for test themselves. It 
helps them test themselves about what they’ve learnt. 
 C. Tests: 
1- Checking frequency knowledge for the previous lesson. 
2- Fifteen minutes test (3 times for each semester) 
3- Forty minutes test (2 times for each semester) 
4- Semester test (Once for each semester) 
D. The new point in learning English 10 
- Communicative method /approach. 
- Task - based method /teaching. 
- The book is designed with 4 skills. 
- Complete and various tests. 
- Learner - centered approach. 
E. Some requires of students 
- Read the lesson before studying in class. 
- Do all exercises at home. 
- It is good to find the meaning and the pronunciation of the 
new words in the dictionary at home. 
-Listen to the teacher attentively and take part in the lesson 
actively and creatively. 
- Take part in the activities that the teacher required such as 
pairs work, group work or individual 
- Each S has a notebook and book (student book and work 
T Ss 
T Ss 
T Ss 
2 minutes 
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents. 
- Give feedback. 
T Ss 
5. Homework 
2 minutes 
- Prepare the new words in Unit 1: Family life 
 Lesson1: Getting started 
T Ss 
Period 2 Unit 1: Family life 
 Lesson 1: Getting started 
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge 
 - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 + Use some lexical items related to the topic Family life. 
 + Make simple dialogues using the given expressions. 
 + Read about the benefits of sharing household. 
 + Use the words and phrases related to household chores and duties. 
2. Skills 
- Reading for gist and specific information. 
- Skimming and scanning 
- getting ready for 4 skills in Unit 1 
- learning some lexical items related to the topic Family life. 
3. Attitudes 
- To help Ss raise their awareness of family life and share housework 
II. Teaching aids and materials. 
 - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures. powerpoint lesson, 
 - Students: Textbook, notebook, project plans. 
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative. 
IV. Teaching Procedures: 
Time/Stages Activities Interactions 
1. Warm-up 
5 minutes 
* Aim: To get Ss to know the topic about household 
chores in family life. 
* Content: ask and answer the questions 
* Products:practice asking and answering the answers 
about family life 
* Steps : 
Let ss work in pairs, ask and answer the 
questions given on the screen. 
1. What does your father do? 
2. What does your mother do? 
3. Who often cooks in your family? 
4. Who does the shopping? 
5. Who often earns the most money in your family? 
6. Who lays the table every meal? 
7. Do you often help your mother to clean the house? 
8. Who does the washing up in your family? 
9. What do you often do to help your father? 
- leads in the new lesson. 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
2. New lesson 
Activity 1 
8 minutes 
Listen and read: 
* Aim: - Ss listen to the conversation and practise it with a 
* Content: - Ss listen to the conversation the first time. 
 - Ss practise the conversation in pairs 
-Teacher to 
8 minutes 
Activity 2 
8 minutes 
Activity 3 
12 minutes 
Activity 4 
* Products: practice reading the conversation. 
* Steps: 
- Ss listen to the teacher’s instructions to know what to do. 
- T plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently. 
- Ss listen and read silently. 
- T tells Ss to practise the conversation in pairs. 
- calls one pair to read aloud 
- gives comments 
Decide whether the sentences are true, false or not 
* Aim: Ss do comprehension reading and know the 
techniques to complete the task. 
* Content: - Ss work individually to read the statements 
given, find out keys words 
 - Ss go back to the conversation to find out information 
 - Ss decide on T, F or NG 
* Product: The completion of the task with clear evidence 
found from the conversation to support their choices 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to read the statements individually first. Then 
have them discuss in pairs and decide whether the 
statements are true, false or not given. 
- T encourages Ss to provide reasons for their answers. 
- T asks them to refer back to the conversation to get the 
necessary information. 
- Ss show their choices 
- T checks with the whole class and gives feedback. 
Keys: 1. F 2. NG 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. NG 
Listen and repeat the words 
* Aim:help ss know how to read the words correctly 
* Content: listen and repeat the words given 
* Product: read the words correctly 
* Steps: 
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then repeat the 
words/ phrases twice. 
- T asks some Ss to read the words. 
- T corrects Ss’ pronunciation 
- T explains the meanings if necessary. 
Write the verbs or phrases 
* Aim: help ss to know more about the words related to 
household chore 
* Content: Write the verbs or verb phrases that are used 
with the words or phrases in the conversation. 
* Product: Verbs / Verb phrases Words 
1 split, divide, handle (household) chores 
2 take out rubbish 
3 do laundry 
4 shop for groceries 
5 do heavy lifting 
6 do washing-up 
the whole 
-whole class 
-Pair work 
T Ss 
(introduce the 
Ss Ss 
( compare the 
T Ss 
( check the 
T Ss 
Whole class 
T Ss 
7 be responsible for household finances 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to write the verbs or phrases that are used with 
the words or phrases in the conversation. 
- T asks Ss to work individually. 
- T plays the recording again if necessary. 
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner. 
- T gives feedback. 
Whole class 
Pair work 
2 minutes 
* Aim: revise what they have learnt 
* Content: list all household chores they have learnt 
* Product: ( students’t answers 
* Steps: 
- Ask Ss to work in groups, list all household chores 
- Give feedback. 
Ss Ss 
4. Homework 
1 minute 
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related 
to household chores and duties. 
- Prepare for the next lesson. 
T Ss 
Period 3 Unit 1:Family life 
 Lesson 2: Language 
I. Objectives. 
1. Knowledge 
 - To teach Ss to pronounce consonant clusters /tr/ , /kr/ and /br/ correctly in isolation and in 
 - To teach Ss the words and phrases related to household chores and duties. 
 - To teach Ss to use the present simple and the present continuous tense. 
 - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 + Pronounce consonant clusters /tr/ , /kr/ and /br/ correctly in isolation and in context. 
 + Use the words and phrases related to household chores and duties. 
 + Understand and use the present simple and the present continuous tense. 
2. Skills 
- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups 
3. Attitudes 
- Students can know the responsibity of helping parents with household chores. 
- encourage Ss to work harder 
- provide Ss some motivation 
III. Teaching aids and materials 
- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. 
- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil 
IV. Methods. 
- Integrated, mainly communicative. 
V. Procedures: 
Time/Stages Activities Interactio
1. warm-up 
 6 minutes 
 game: who is faster? 
* Aim: revise voc in getting started 
* Content: look at the pictures and say the words 
* Product: words related to household chores 
T Ss 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss look at the pictures and say the words related to the 
1. do (household) chores 2. take out garbage 
3. do laundry 4. shop for groceries 
5. do heavy lifting 6. do washing-up 
7. be responsible for household finances 
- T corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark. 
2. New lesson 
A. Vocabulary: 
8 minutes 
7 minutes 
Task 1: Match the words and phrases with their 
meanings below. 
* Aim: Ss know how to match each word with its definition and 
* Content: Ss find the meanings of 5 words by doing the 
matching then read aloud. 
* Products: 
Ss know the meaning and spelling of some new words. 
1. f 2. e 3. a 4. h 
5. b 6. g 7. d 8. c 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to read the words and phrases in the box, then 
discuss and find the meaning for each of them. 
- Ss work individually. 
- T asks students to compare the answers with a partner. 
- T asks some students to read the answers. 
- Checks and gives the correct answers: 
Task 2: List all the household chores that are mentioned in 
the conversation. Then add 
more chores to the list 
* Aim: revise and widen vocabulary related to the topic 
* Content: List all the household chores that are mentioned in 
the conversation,then add more chores to the list 
* Product: Chores from the conversation: 
 - prepare dinner 
 - cook (do the cooking) 
 - shop 
 - clean the house 
 - take out the rubbish 
 - do the laundry 
 - do the washing-up 
 - do the heavy lifting 
 - be responsible for the household i nances 
 Other chores (examples): 
 - mop / sweep / tidy up the house 
 - bathe the baby 
 - feed the baby 
 - water the houseplants 
 - feed the cat / dog 
 - iron / fold / put away the cl 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to read the conversation again and get information 
to do Task 2 individually. 
Ss Ss 
Ts Ss 
Activity 3 
 7 minutes 
Activity 1. 
5 minutes 
Activity 2 
5 minutes 
- Ss elicit more chores to add to the list. 
- Ask students to compare the answers with a partner. 
- Ask some students to read the answers. 
- Feedback 
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below. 
1. What household chores do you usually do? 
2. How do you divide household duties in your family? 
* Aim: practice speaking 
* Content: Discuss the questions 
* Product: take turns , answer the questions 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to discuss two questions 
- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. 
- T encourages Ss to use the chores in the list in their answers. 
- T asks some pairs to ask and answer the questions. 
- T gives feedback. 
B. Pronunciation: 
Listen and repeat: 
* Aim: Ss listen and repeat. 
* Content: listen and repeat words. 
* Products: 
* Step: 
- T plays the recording and let Ss listen and repeat. 
- T plays it again with pauses for Ss to repeat each word 
- T has Ss work in pairs. 
- T invites two or three Ss read again and then give comment 
- T gives the meaning of the words if necessary. 
- Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading the words. 
Listen to the sentences and circle the word you hear. 
* Aim: To help students recognise correct clusters 
* Content: Listen to the sentences and circle the word you 
* Product: 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 
* Steps: 
 - T asks to read the words in rows, paying attention to the 
difference between the sound clusters. 
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then circle the word 
they hear. 
- T asks Ss to work individually. 
Ss Ss 
T Ss 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
T Ss 
Ts – ss 
 Pair work 
C. Grammar: 
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner. 
- T checks Ss’ answers by asking them to call out the letter (a, b 
or c) corresponding to the word they hear. 
Activity 1 : Read the text and choose the correct verb form. 
* Aim: revise present simple and present continuous 
* Content: choose the correct verb form 
* Product: 1. does 2. cooks 3. cleans 4. is watching 
 5. is doing 6. is doing 7. is tidying up 8. is trying 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to read the text once and asks them to pay attention 
to the words / phrases such as every day, today, at the moment, 
and asks them what verb forms are often used in the sentences 
that have these words / phrases. Ask them to choose the correct 
verb form. 
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner. 
- T checks Ss’ answers and elicits from them the rules of using 
the present simple and the present continuous tense. 
- T gives feedback. 
Pair work 
2 minutes 
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents. 
- Give feedback. 
T Ss 
4. Homework 
1 minute 
- T asks Ss to do exercise 2 page 8 at home. 
- Prepare for the next lesson. 
T Ss 
.Period 4 
 Unit 1:Family life 
 Lesson 3: Reading 
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge. 
- To introduce some new words related to family life and guess the meaning in the context. 
- To help students to read for specific information about the benefits of sharing housework 
- To enable students to use new words and to understand the content by asking and answering the 
questions through passage and making reference when reading the text. 
- To help them know the benefits of sharing housework in the family. 
- Sts can exchange opinions about household chores. 
2. Skills. 
- Integrated skills 
- Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension 
3. Attitudes 
Students can know the benefits ofsharing household chores. 
II. Teaching aids and materials. 
 - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures. powerpoint lesson, 
 - Students: Textbook, notebook. 
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative. 
IV. Teaching Procedures: 
Time/Stages Activities Interaction
1. warm up 
 5 minutes 
* picture describing 
* Aim: To get sts familiar with the topic of the lesson. 
* Content:.look at the pictures and answer the questions 
* Products: understand the pictures 
* Steps: 
Show the pictures and elicit students by asking them some 
- 1. What are the people in the picture doing? 
- 2. Do you think they are happy? Why / Why not? 
 Lead in the new lesson 
T Ss 
2. New lesson 
8 minutes 
7 minutes 
* Aim: help ss know some new words and phrases 
* new words 
* Products: understand the vocabulary 
+ enormous ( adj) /i'nɔ:məs/ 
( synonym) khổng lồ, to lớn 
 + sociable (adj) /'səu∫əbl/ 
( explanation) dễ hòa đồng 
 + vulnerable (adj) /'vʌlnərəbl/ 
( translation) dễ bị tổn thương 
 + critical (adj) /'kritikəl/ 
( translation) hay chỉ trích 
* Steps: 
- shows the words and pictures, ask ss to guess the meanings 
- Reads new words and asks students to repeat after the teacher. 
- Calls some students to read aloud. 
- Checks the understanding of new words 
Activity 2: 
Read the text below and decide which of the following is the 
best title for it. 
a. Doing Housework is Good for Children 
b. Husbands Who Share Housework Make Their Wives Happy 
c. Sharing Housework Makes the Family Happier 
* Aim: To focus on general comprehension 
* Content:Read the text below and decide which of the 
following is the best title for it. 
* Products: find the title for passage( c) 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to read the three heading (a-c) first and asks them if 
they understand the meaning. 
- Ask Ss to read through the text once without stopping at words 
that they don’t know the meaning of, and then ask them to work 
Whole class 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
T Ss 
T Ss 
T Ss 
Pair work 
 7 minutes 
3 minutes 
7 minutes 
in pairs to decide on the best title for the text. 
- Remind Ss that the title for the text is the one that gives the 
general idea of the whole text. 
- Ask students to compare the answers with a partner. 
- Check Ss’ answers and guide Ss to the correct choice if 
necessary by helping them eliminate the sentences that only 
about one aspect of the text. 
Key: c 
Activity 3: Read the text again. Do you understand the 
words from the context? Tick the appropriate meaning for 
each word from the text. 
* Aim: guess the meaning of words in context 
* Content: Read the text again then tick the appropriate 
meaning for each word from the text. 
* Products: have the meaning of the words 
1.a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 
* Steps: 
- Have Ss read the text again and underline the words sociable, 
vulnerable, critical, enormous and tent when they see them in 
the text. Then, ask Ss to work in pairs to choose the appropriate 
meaning for each word from the text. 
- Explain to Ss how to use context to guess the meaning of the 
unknown words if necessary. 
Activity 4: What does ‘it’ in line .. mean ? 
* Aim: guess the meaning of words in context 
* Content: find the meaning of the word “it” 
* Products: have the meaning of the words 
Key: a. c b. b 
* Steps: 
- T asks Ss to continue to work in pairs, and find out what it 
refers to in each of the sentences. Let Ss read and understand the 
sentences before and after the one has the word in it to decide 
what it means. Ss can use the elimination technique to get the 
right answer. 
Task 5: 
Answer the questions. 
* Aim: read for specific information. 
* Content: answer the questions 
* Products: understand the passage and have answers for the 
Key: 1. They do better at school, become more sociable, and 
have better relationships with their teachers and friends. 
2. Because it shows that they care about their wives and this 
makes their wives happy. 
3. They may fall ill easily or may think about divorce. 
4. There is a positive atmosphere for the family.* Steps: 
* Steps: 
 - Put Ss in groups of three; ask them to read the questions first 
to make sure they understand what information they need in 
order to answer the questions. It may help if Ss can understand 
the key words in the questions. 
Ss Ss 
T Ss 
Pair work 
Ts Ss 
T Ss 
Pair work 
Ts Ss 
5 minutes 
- Ask Ss to read the text again, and locate the part of the text 
where they can get the answer to each of the questions before 
they discuss the answers. 
- Check Ss’ answer by inviting a representative form each group 
to give the answer to one of the questions. If the Ss’ answer is 
incorrect, don’t give the right one at once, but try to elicit it 
form other Ss. 
Activity 6 Discuss with a partner. 
1. Do you have any problems with sharing housework? 
2. What benefits do you get when sharing housework? 
* Aim: To enable sts to exchange opinions about household 
* Content: discuss 2 questions 
* Products: freely express their opinions about houseold 
- Asks students to work in the groups of six to discuss the 
- Gives them some examples of problems such as problems with 
time, skills and attitude if they have difficulty with ideas. 
- Calls the representative of each group to report the discussion 
results to the class 
T Ss 
Pair work 
Ts Ss 
2 minutes 
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents. 
- Give feedback. 
T Ss 
4. Homework 
1 minute 
- T asks Ss to do task 6 page 9 at home. 
- Prepare for the next lesson. 
T Ss 
Period 5 
 Unit 1:Family life 
 Lesson 4: Speaking 
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge. 
- To help students know their friends’ likes and dislikes in doing housework. 
- To help students express and exchange opinions about housework in family life. 
- To help sts develop the skill of speaking: present their ideas and attitudes towards housework 
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 + Talk about their home life. 
 + Exchange opinion about household chores. 
 + Talk about household chores they often do. 
 + Express their opinions about the chores they like or dislike 
2. Skills. 
- integrated skills 
3. Attitudes 
-To make students responsible for their household chores, show their care to other members in 
their families. 
II. Teaching aids and materials. 
 - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures. powerpoint lesson, 
 - Students: Textbook, notebook. 
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative. 
IV. Teaching Procedures: 
Time/Stages Activities Interaction
1. Homework 
 7 minutes 
* Aim: To help sts have the household chores in mind 
* Content: list household chores 
* Products: have words about household chores 
- T asks Ss to do the brainstorming 
List three household chores you like and dislike 
Discuss the reasons 
Give comments and lead in the lesson 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
2. New lesson 
10 minutes 
15 minutes 
10 minutes 
1. Activity 1: Which household chores do you like doing and 
which do you dislike? Write your answers to the 
questions in the table below and add a reason 
* Aim: help Sts express their opinions about household chores 
* Content: say what you like and dislike about household 
* Products: express what they like and dislike 
Ask Ss work individually to write at least three household 
chores they like or dislike. 
And then give the reasons. 
Share the answers with the partners. 
Call some of them to present the answers orally. 
Name of chore Reasons 
Feed the cats and dogs Love animals 
Do the groceries Like shopping 
Take out the garbage It is not too hard 
Name of chore Reasons 
Laundry Take much time and quite hard 
Wash the dishes Often break things 
Look after the baby Waste time, be tired 
2. Activity Below is part of Anna’s interview with Mai. 
They are talking about the household chores Mai likes and 
Pair work 
T Ss 
Pair work 
T Ss 
T Ss 
cooking washing 
Doing the 
10 minutes 
dislikes. Match Mai’s answers with Anna’s questions. Then 
practise the conversation. 
* Aim: practice in a conversation 
* Content: match and practice the conversation 
* Products: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 
Ask Ss to look at the task 2. 
Let them some minutes to read the questions first and underline 
the key words. 
Ask Ss to work in pairs to match the questions with the 
Call some of them to read out the questions and answers. 
Read the questions and underline key words. 
1. ..everyday? 
2. doing ..? 
3. What .. like .? 
4. dislike doing .? 
Matching: Suggested answers 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 
Call some of them to read the dialogue orally 
Practise the dialogue 
A: What household chores do you do everyday? 
B: I do the laundry, wash the dishes, and sweep the house. I 
sometimes do the cooking when my mom is busy 
A: Which of the chores do you like doing most? 
B: Well, I think I like sweeping the house 
A: What do you like about it? 
B: It’s not too hard, and I like seeing the house clean 
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most? 
B: Washing the dishes because I often break things. 
Give comment or pronunciation correction if necessary. 
3. Activity 3: Have a similar conversation with a partner. 
Find out which chores she / he likes or dislikes the most and 
why. Report your findings to the class. 
* Aim: help sts report what the find out 
* Content: make a similar conversaation 
* Products: report their findings 
.Ask Ss to use the information above to make the similar 
conversation with partner (about themselves) 
Work in groups of three then present in class. 
Practise in pairs about their own chores at home. 
Present orally in pairs. 
A: What household chores do you do everyday? 
B: I .. 
A: Which of the chores do you like doing most? 
B: Well, I think I like 
A: What do you like about it? 
B: Because . 
A: Which of the chores do you dislike most? 
B: I hate . Because . 
Ss Ss 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
Pair work 
T Ss 
Ss Ss 
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents. 
- Give feedback. 
T Ss 
2 minutes 
4. Homework 
1 minute 
- T asks Ss to write the dialogue in the notebook 
- Prepare for the next lesson. 
T Ss 
Period : 6 
 Unit 1: Family life 
 Lesson 5: Listening 
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge. 
 - To teach Ss to listen a programme about the roles of family members. 
 - To teach Ss about Family life. 
 - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
 + Develop the listening skills for details and for specific details. 
 + Talk about Family life. 
 + Listen to a programme about the roles of family members. 
 + Listen the monologue and do the true or false exercise and do the gap – filling exercise. 
2. Skills. 
- integrated skills 
- Guessing meaning in context, listening for specific information and for identifying new words 
3. Attitudes 
- Students are aware of the importance of equally shared parenting in families. 
II. Teaching aids and materials. 
 - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures, PowerPoint lesson, 
 - Students: Textbook, notebook. 
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative. 
IV. Teaching Procedures: 
Time/Stages Activities Interactions 
1. warm up 
 5 minutes 
* Checking previous lesson 
* Aim: revise the lesson 
* Content: talk about the household chores you like doing 
and dislike doing. 
* Products: freely talk about household chores 
- ask ss to talk about their chores 
- give feedbacks 
T Ss 
2. New lesson 
7 minutes 
 Activity 1 : Look at the chart and discuss the changes in 
weekly hours of basic housework by married men 
and married women in the USA between 1976 
and 2012. Guess the reasons for the changes. 
Pair work 
8 minutes 
* Aim: practice describing a chart 
* Content: discuss the changes in weekly hours of basic 
housework by married men and married women in the USA 
between 1976 and 2012 
* Products: give their opinions and guess the reasons for 
the changes. 
The chart illustrates the average hours of housework per 
week done by married women in comparison with married 
men. In general,married women do more housework than 
married men. The numbers of weekly housework hours that 
men and women do is 29 and 6.8 respectively. it takes 
marrien women .hours to do housework whereas married 
men spends hours doing housework 
- Ask students to work in pairs, looking at the chart and 
discussing the changes in the weekly hours of basic 
housework by married men and married women in the USA 
between 1976 and 2012. Students don’t have to report the 
exact number of hours men and women spend on doing 
housework. They can just talk about the general changes. 
- Introduce some new words and useful expressions: 
+the chart shows/presents/ illustrates 
+As can be seen from the chart 
+According to the chart 
+In general/generally speaking 
- Encourage students to guess the reasons for the changes. 
Ask them to call out their guesses. Write the reasons given 
by students on a corner of the board so that they can see if 
their guesses are correct later, after

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_10_chuong_trinh_hoc_ki_1_ban_hay.pdf