Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Thí điểm) - Unit 5: Inventions - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 (Thí điểm) - Unit 5: Inventions - Năm học 2020-2021

A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to

 + Knowledge: - Understand and apply words and phrases related to Inventions

- Understand and apply stress patterns: compound nouns and noun groups

- Understand and apply the present perfect, gerund and infinitives

 + Skills :- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 5

- Reading: Read about natural world as inspiration for inventions.

- Speaking: Talk about Inventions, their uses and their benefits.

- Listening: Listen for specific information from an interview.

- Writing: Write about the benefits of inventors.

 + Attitude: - To help Ss get started for Unit 5 with the topic "inventions"

- To provide Ss some motivation

 + Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study

B. Preparations

1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan

 2. Students: - textbook, notebook .

- Read through English Unit 5 - Getting started at home

C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills


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Planning date: 25/11/2020
	Period 40	
LESSON 1 – Getting Started - Computers and our life
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: - Understand and apply words and phrases related to Inventions
- Understand and apply stress patterns: compound nouns and noun groups
- Understand and apply the present perfect, gerund and infinitives
 + Skills :- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 5
- Reading: Read about natural world as inspiration for inventions.
- Speaking: Talk about Inventions, their uses and their benefits.
- Listening: Listen for specific information from an interview.
- Writing: Write about the benefits of inventors.
 + Attitude: - To help Ss get started for Unit 5 with the topic "inventions"
- To provide Ss some motivation
 + Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through English Unit 5 - Getting started at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
WARM UP (5’)
- Give some pictures, ask sts to name for each modern invention. 
 a. Electric cooker 
 b. Refrigerator 
 c. Television 
d. Washing machine 
 e. Computer 
f. Cassette player 
 g. Air conditioner 
 h. Fax machine
 - Ask some sts to read their names aloud and then give remarks.
- Lead sts into new lesson.
Activity 1 (10’)
- Ask students to look at the picture and tell them the two people in the picture are Phong and his father. Let students guess what Phong and his father are talking about.
- Play the recording. Have students listen and read silently.
- Tell students not to worry about the new vocabulary or grammar points.
Activity 2(12’)
- Get sts to work in pairs to do the task.
- Call on sts to give the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
- Expected answers:
1. He promises to reward Phong if Phong passes the English test.
2. Because his old mobiphone is still good.
3. Computers have changed our lives in many ways: faster communication (emails), free entertainment (online games), convenient shopping (online shopping), etc.
4. He will use his laptop for listening to music, chatting with friends, playing games, researching topics on the web and typing his assignment.
5. (Answers may vary)
Activity 3(15’)
- Firstly, get sts to work individually to do the task.
- Ask sts to compare the answers with a partner.
- Call on sts to give the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
- Expected answers: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework: 
Read Unit 4 - Language at home
Name for each modern invention
Activity 1
- Look at the picture.
- Guess what Phong and his father are talking about.
- Listen to the conversation and read after silently.
Activity 2
- Work in pairs to do the task.
- Write the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
Activity 3
- Firstly, work individually to do the task.
- Work in pairs to compare the answers.
- Write the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
- Listen
- Listen to the teacher and write in the notebooks
Planning date: 25/11/2020
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: 	- To provide learners some language items in Unit 5
- Understand the formation of compound nouns and their meanings
- Identify the stress patterns of compound nouns and noun groups
- Use the gerunds and to infinitives to talk about the uses or purposes of something
- Use present perfect tense to describe an event or action happening in the past but having result in the present.
 + Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
 + Attitude: - To encourage Ss to work harder	
- To provide Ss some motivation
 + Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through English Unit 5 - Language at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
Warm- up : vocabulary games 
Activity 1
- Explain to the students that the meaning of a compound noun is not always based on the meaning of its parts.
- Help them to use the dictionary to look for meanings of five compound nouns and their parts.
- Prepare some pictures of a video game, a smart phone, a laptop, and an e-book reader for illustration, if students don’t know these things.
Key a
1. Video game: a game in which players control and move images on a screen (video: film or image; game: something you play for fun)
2. Smartphone: a mobile phone that has some functions of a computer (smart: intelligent, computer-controlled, phone: a telephone)
3. Laptop: a portable, small computer that can work with a battery (lap: top part of your leg; top: upper surface)
Activity 2
- Explain the formation of compound nouns.
+ N + N + N + Adj + V-ing + N
- Remind sts that some compound nouns are written as one word ( e.g: bedroom), some as two words (e.g. swimming pool), ans some with a hyphen (-) in between ( e.g. mother-in-law ).
- Get sts to complete the task in pairs.
- Elicit sts’ answers.
- Check and correct the answers.
- Explain some simple rules of stress in 2 syllable words.
1. Đa số các động từ 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 2. 
Ex: En’joy - co’llect - es’cape - de’stroy - en’joy -	re’peat - A’llow - as’sist - ac’cept re’lax - a’ttract -	a’ccent	 - Ex’plain - de’scend - for’get - a’llow - main’tain - con’sent 
Chú ý: động từ tận cùng bằng ow; en; y; el; er; le; ish: trọng âm ở âm tiết thứ nhất
Ex: ‘offer, ‘happen , ‘answer , ‘enter , ‘listen , ‘open, ‘finish, ‘study, ‘follow, ‘narrow... 
2. Đa số các danh từ và tính từ 2 âm tiết thì trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 1
Ex: ‘mountain ‘evening ‘butcher ‘carpet ‘busy ‘village ‘summer ‘birthday ‘porter ‘pretty ‘morning ‘winter 
Ngoại trừ : ma’chine mis’take a’lone a’sleep .....
3. Danh từ ghép thường có trọng âm chính vào âm tiết 1 : 
Ex: ‘raincoat 	‘tea- cup 	‘film- maker 	 ‘shorthand ‘bookshop ‘footpath ‘shortlist ‘airline 
Activity 2
- Play the recording.
- Ask Ss to listen and tick the words they hear.
- Get sts to read outloud the words they hear.
- Check and correct. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 
Infinitive and gerund
Exercise 1
- Get sts to recall the use of gerunds and infinitves.
- Have sts work in pairs and groups to complete the exercise 1
- Call some sts to give the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
Exercise 2
- Explain the requirement of the task.
- Have 2-3 sts model the example.
- Divide class into pairs and let them do the activity.
The present perfect.
Exercise 1
- Draw the timelines on the board and explain 
Exercise 2
- Have sts work in pairs and groups to complete the exercise 2
- Call some sts to give the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
Exercise 3
- Have sts work in pairs and groups to complete the exercise 3
- Call some sts to give the answers on the board.
- Check and correct the answers.
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework: 
Read Unit 5 - Reading at home
Do as required
Activity 1
- Listen to the T’s explanation.
- Figure out the meanings of five compound nouns and their parts.
- Look at the pictures.
Key a
4. E-book: A book that is displayed on a computer screen or an electronic device (electronic using microchips to control a small electric current; book: a written work)
5. Email: a way of sending messages to other people by using a computer (electronic: using microchips to control a small electric current; mail: post, letter)
b. No, not always (e.g: laptop)
Activity 2
- Listen to the T
- Take notes
- Work in pairs
- Give the answers.
- Check and correct the answers.
- Key b:
1. d pencil case 4. c headphones
2. e blackboard 5. b food processor 
3. a washing machine
- Listen to the T
- Take notes into their notebooks.
4. Tính từ ghép thường có trọng âm chính nhấn vào từ thứ 1, nhưng nếu tính từ ghép mà từ đầu tiên là tính từ hay trạng từ hoặc kết thúc bằng đuôi “ ed” thì trọng âm chính lại nhấn ở từ thứ 2. Tương tự động từ ghép và trạng từ ghép có trọng âm chính nhân vào từ thứ 2 : 
Ex: ‘home - sick ‘air- sick ‘praiseworthy ‘water- proof ‘trustworthy ‘lighting- fast ,
Nhưng : bad- ‘temper 	 short- ‘sighted well-‘ informed 	ups’tair well – ‘done short- ‘handed north- ‘east down- ‘stream 
5. Các từ kết thúc bằng các đuôi : how, what, where, thì trọng âm vào âm tiết 1 : 
Ex: ‘anywhere ‘somehow ‘somewhere .... 
6. Các từ hai âm tiết bắt đầu bằng A thì trọng âm vào âm tiết 2 : 
Ex: a’bed a’bout a’bove a’back 	
Activity 2
- Listen to the recording
- Tick the words they hear.
- Read out loud the words
Infinitive and gerund
Exercise 1
- Recall the use of gerunds and infinitves.
1. getting; sending 
2. to creat; (to) contact
3. to read 4. to play
5. chopping; mixing 6. to store
Exercise 2
- Listen to the T
- 2-3 model the example.
- Work in pairs to do the activity.
The present perfect.
Exercise 1
- Look at the timelines on the board
Exercise 2
1. b has broken 2. d looks, has lost/lost
3. e Do you know; have forgotten/ forget 4. a have asked
5. c left; have disappeared
Exercise 3
1. Seems 2. Have affected 3. Were
4. Have encouraged 5. Has aided
6. Have killed 7. Prefer
- Listen
- Listen to the teacher and write in the notebooks
Planning date: 25/11/2020
	Period 42	UNIT 5: INVENTIONS	
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: Understand and apply vocabulary related to the topic 
 + Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
- Skim the text to get the general idea 
- Scan the text to get some specific details
 + Attitude: - To encourage Ss to work harder	
- To provide Ss some motivation
+ Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through new English10 Unit 5 - Reading at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
Lead in (5’)
- Ask students some questions:
1. What machine is used to type/ watch a film/ listen to music/ do calculators/ play games?
2. Can you use computers?
- Lead sts into new lesson.
- Preteach new words.
- Ask sts to read through the text to find out new words.
- Explain the words’ meanings.
- Instructs sts to read the new words.
- Call on some sts to read out loud to check their pronunciation.
Activity 1 (7’)
- Have students in pairs to discuss what the animals in the pictures can do but people can’t
- Ask students questions to help them think of some devices or equipments that people have created to allow them to do what they normally cannot. (e.g. as people cannot fly, what have they made to help them fly??)
People have invented an aeroplane, a ship or submarine, and a waterproof raincoat to make up for what they cannot do as well as these animals or leaves.
Activity 2(7’)
- Ask students to read the text quickly and pick out repeated words or phrases (e.g. inventions/ invent, imitating/ imitates, inspirational/ inspired).
- Tell them that repeated words in a text may reveal its main idea or general title.
- Have students skim the text and choose the best title from three options.
- Key: Imitating Nature
Activity 3 (7’)
- Ask students to read the text again and underline the six words from Activity 1 
- Encourage students to guess the meanings of these words from context and match them with the correct definition.
Activity 4 (8’)
- Ask students to answer the questions individually
- Key:
1. The inventions that imitate animals are the aeroplane and the submarine.
2. The inventions that imitate plants are Velcro, the self-cleaning glass window and umbrella fabric.
3. The aeroplane is considered one of the greatest inventions in our history because it helps us to travel long distances in the air and encourages the development of tourism and trading.
4. A submarine can help scientists to learn about life under the sea.
Activity 5(8’)
- Discuss the question and decide which of the tour inventions is the best imitation of nature.
- The invention needs to be very similar to the related animal or plant in aeroplane or function.
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework: 
Do exercises in handouts
Read Unit 5 - Speaking at home
- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions:
1. The computer
2. Yes, I can.
- Read through the text to find out new words.
- Take notes.
- Practice reading the new words.
Activity 1
- Work in pairs to discuss what the animals in the pictures can do but people can’t
- Key act 1
Picture a: A bird can fly
Picture b: A dolphin can swim and stay underwater for a long time
Picture c: A lotus leaf does not get wet. It washes water away.
Activity 2
- Read the text quickly and pick out repeated words or phrases (e.g. inventions/ invent, imitating/ imitates, inspirational/ inspired).
- Skim the text and choose the best title from three options.
- Give the answers.
- Check the answers.
Activity 3
- Read the text again and underline the six words from Activity 1
- Give the answers.
- Key: 1. B 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. F 6. D
Activity 4
- Answer the questions individually
- Key:
5. The material that makes up the glass window has the ability to wash away the dirt in the rain.
5. An aeroplane: “its wings and shape imitating those of a bird”
6. A submarine: “imitates a dolphin’s shape”
The Vecro: “hook and loop fastener”; “two fabrics sticking together thanks to the hooks on one surface and the loops on the other”.
Activity 5
- Work in groups of 3 or 4 to discuss the question and decide which of the tour inventions is the best imitation of nature.
- Listen and take notes
Planning date: 25/11/2020
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: Correct some common mistakes Ss often have in the test papers. 
 + Skills: multi skills
 + Attitude:
+ Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	Test paper, textbook 
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
1. Comment on the test in general.
	- Give the papers back to Ss and ask them to exchange their papers with a partner for peer correction.
	- Go around observing and offering help when necessary.
2. Correct some common mistakes in Ss’ test papers.
	- Use some typical papers for test correction.
	- Ask Ss to give out their ideas for some correction.
	- Feedback and comment.
Planning date: 25/11/2020
	Period 44	UNIT 5: INVENTIONS	
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: - Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions
- Practise a dialogue with a partner about a 3-D printer
- Discuss about inventions	- Introduce some inventions in front of the class
 + Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills: Talk about Inventions, their uses and their benefits.
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
 + Attitude: - To encourage Ss to work harder	- To provide Ss some motivation
+ Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through English10 Unit 5 - Speaking at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
- Ask students to work in groups to write as many words related to computers as possible in 2 minutes. Which group writes the most correct words will be the winner.
-Call the representatives of each group to give the answers.
-Give remarks, lead into the lesson.
Activity 1(7’)
- Ask students what they think the heading of the speaking section Unique inventions means.
- Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs.
Activity 2 (7’)
- Have students complete the table with the information from the conversation. 
- Explain them that the four ideas suggested in the table are the key points they need to mention when talking about an invention.
- Key:
3-D printer
Bigger and heavier than normal printer
To produce solid objects similar to the originals
Economical (saving lots of money)
Activity 3(7’)
- Ask students to look at the pictures of a portable solar charger and a USB stick (or flash drive) and discuss which benefits are suitable for each invention.
- Key
Portable solar charger: not dependent on electricity; environmentally-friendly; easy to carry, not costly
USB stick: not costly; easy to use; easy to transport files
Activity 4(8’)
- Ask students to use the information in the table (in Activity 3) and talk about one invention. 
- Tell them that they can make some changes in the sample conversation (from 1) to make their own conversation natural and logical.
Activity 5(8’)
- Put students in groups of 4 or 5. Each group chooses one invention and discusses which information they may use to introduce the invention to other groups. Their talk should include information about the characteristics, use, and benefits of the invention.
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework: 
Do exercises in handouts
Read Unit 5 - Listening at home
Write as many words related to computers as possible in 2 minutes. Which group writes the most correct words will be the winner.
Activity 1
- Brainstorm to figure out the meaning of
the heading of the speaking section Unique inventions.
Activity 2
- Complete the table with the information from the conversation.
- Listen to the T
- Give the answers.
- Check the answers.
Activity 3
- Look at the pictures of a portable solar charger and a USB stick (or flash drive) and discuss which benefits (suggested in the box) are suitable for each invention.
Activity 4
- Work in pairs, use the information in the table (in Activity 3) and talk about one invention.
Activity 5
- Work in groups of 4-5 and chooses one invention and discusses which information they may use to introduce the invention to other groups.
- Listen and take notes
Planning date: 25/11/2020
	Period 45	UNIT 5: INVENTIONS	
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: - Use words and phrases related to the topic Inventions
- Discuss about inventions
 + Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their listening skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
 + Attitude: - To encourage Ss to work harder	
- To provide Ss some motivation
+ Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through new English10 Unit 5 - Listening at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
WARM UP (5’)
- Show a picture of a radio and ask students to say how to do when you use a radio
- Listen to the students and repair their mistakes 
Activity 1(7’)
- Ask students to look at the picture and answer the guiding questions.
A, What does this flying car have on both sides of its body? Does it have wheels?
B, Can it fly? Can it run on the ground? Can it move in water?
Activity 2(7’)
- Before students listen to the recording, ask them to look at 8 words in Activity 2. 
- Explain the meanings of the words they do not know.
- Have students listen and tick the words they hear.
Activity 3(7’)
- Ask students to listen again and answer the questions
- Encourage students to take notes.
- Remind them that notes are key words and ideas that can be written down quickly
- Have students compare their answers with their partner’s
Activity 4(8’)
- This task focuses on specific information about the flying car. 
- Ask students to guess what kind of information they may put in the gaps 
Activity 5(8’)
- Ask students to discuss in pairs whether or not they want to own a flying car. 
- Draw their attention to the program with flying car (e.g. in need of a runway)
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework
Do the exercises in handouts
Read Unit 5 - Writing at home
- Say how to do when you use a radio
Activity 1
- Look at the picture and answer the guiding questions.
Activity 2
- Look at 8 words in Activity 2.
- Listen to the T
Key: Traffic jams, collapse, garage, gallon, runway 
Activity 3
Key: 1. In New York City.
2. He’s a businessman.
3. He’s considering owning a flying car to deal with the traffic problem.
4. It’s not too big, so it can be put in a garage.
5. This flying can cannot take off without a runway.
Activity 4
5 (in the air); 1 (on the ground)
200 (in the air); 120 (on the ground)
Activity 5
- Work in pairs to discuss whether or not they want to own a flying car. 
- Listen to the teacher and write in the notebooks
Planning date: 25/11/2020
	Period 46	UNIT 5: INVENTIONS	
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: Understand vocabulary related to the topic
 + Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their writing skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
 + Attitude: - To encourage Ss to work harder	
- To provide Ss some motivation
 + Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through English10 Unit 5 - Writing at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
WARM UP (5’)
- Show pictures of some audio devices and ask students to name the devices.
- Listen to the students and repair their mistakes
A: They are the speakers. B: They are the headphones. C: They are earbuds.
Activity 1(7’)
- Work in pairs and discuss whether or not they have any of the audio devices illustrated by the pictures.
- Encourage them to extend their discussion to the benefits of each kind of devices
Activity 2(7’)
- Explain to students that one way to support one idea in a paragraph is to give further explanation or an example. 
- Firstly, get sts to work individually to complete the task, then compare their answer with a partner for peer check.
- Elicit the answers from the sts.
- Give feedback.
Activity 3(7’)
- Put sts in groups of 4.
- Have students read the paragraph about earbuds again and complete the outline of this paragraph. 
- Help students to analyze the structure of the paragraph step by step.
- After each group has finished their discussion, let the groups exchange their outline for peer checking.
- Elicit the answers from the sts.
- Give feedback.
Activity 4(16’)
- Put students into groups of three or four. 
-Ask them to choose one invention and discuss what they will write about. 
- Encourage students to make complete sentences about the benefits of the inventions they have chosen.
- Call on some students to suggest their group’s thesis sentence and the benefits of the inventions aloud.
- Choose one or two paragraphs and ask the whole class to give comments and correction.
- Pay attention to sts’ mistakes in grammar and word choice.
It’s no secret that smartphones are everywhere these days and it can not be denied that smartphones have some benefits which make them more and mote popular to people around the world. Firstly, it is an useful tool to communicate with friends, family members, or coworkers, etc. While this can get your message across, smartphones allow you multiple ways of communicating. Not only can they call, text and IM, they give you access to email, video calling and video conferencing.
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework:
Do the exercises in handouts
Read Unit 5 - Communication and Culture at home
- Name the device
- Activity 1
e.g: the speaker can produce sound loud enough for everybody in a large room to hear; headphone and earbuds do not disturb other people when you listen to music, earbuds are more convenient than headphones because they are smaller in size. Note: headphone (BE)= earphone (AM)
Activity 2
- Listen to the T’s explanation.
- Read a paragraph about the benefits of earbuds and match the details with the benefits.
- Firstly, work individually to complete the task, then compare their answer with a partner for peer check.
- Check and correct the answers.
1. C 2. A 3. B
Activity 3
- Work in groups of 4
A, Topic: the benefits of earbuds.
B, Thesis sentence (Topic sentence): What are its benefits?
C, - Supporting idea 1 and further explanation: Small, light, portable 
à put in a bag or pocket.
 - Supporting idea 2 and further explanation: Not costly à about 100,000 VND
 - Supporting idea 3 and further explanation: Use anywhere à We not disturb anybody.
Activity 4
- Work in groups of 3 or 4.
- Choose one invention and discuss what they will write about.
- Some sts suggest their group’s thesis sentence and the benefits of the inventions aloud.
- After finishing group discussion, work independently and write their own paragraph.
- Listen to the T’s correction.
You can also remain connected through social networking sites like Twitter, and Facebook. Secondly, a smart phone is considered as a magic means of entertainment. Most models also boast a camera, enabling you to capture and share photos and video. It is also a handy CD player allowing you to listen to music wherever and whenever you like. Finally, you can use your smart phone to surf web as it can access easily to the Internet. In some recent latest models, we can download many useful applications from network into ours, which help we save the time a lot for some purposes such as study or selfie.. Furthermore, you don’t need to worry if you are lost when you are travelling, because smartphones allow you to find out the way a map application. Overall, smartphones is really useful for people with many advantages.
- Listen
- Listen to the teacher and write in the notebooks
Planning date: 25/11/2020
	Period 47	UNIT 5: INVENTIONS	
A. Aims & Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to
 + Knowledge: To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items
 + Skills:	 - To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding 
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
 + Attitude: - To encourage Ss to work harder	
- To provide Ss some motivation
 + Specific competences: Oral communication, solving problems, document use, self-study
B. Preparations 
1. Teacher: textbook, lesson plan 
 	2. Students: 	- textbook, notebook . 
- Read through new English 10 Unit 5 – Communication and Culture at home
C. Methods: CLT, Integrated skills 
D. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Student’s activities
WARM UP (5’)
- Show pictures of some audio devices and ask students to name the devices.
- Listen to the students and repair their mistakes 
I. Communication(17’)
Activity 1
- Provide the sts with some language inputs.
+ We vote for + Firstly/ secondly 
+ What’s more + Besides, 
+ Futhermore, 
- Go around, observe and give necessary help.
Activity 2
- Ask sts to present their groups’ choice, remind them to make full sentences using the suggested information in the table.
- Listen to the groups’ presentation.
- Select some mistakes or errors for later correction while listening.
- Give feedback and necessary correction, focus on sts’ pronunciation and grammar structures.
II. Culture (20’)
Activity 1
- Ask students to look at the picture and discuss with a partner what the inventions are for. 
- Have them guess which country these inventions are from.
- Elicit the answers from the sts.
- Expected answers:
Activity 2
- Tell students some important information about King Bhumibol Adulyadej. 
- Ask students if they know the meaning of “patent”. 
- Explain to them that an inventor needs to get a patent for his invention to protect his/her idea.
For more advanced classes, extend the activity by letting students discuss whether there are patents in Vietnam.
- Ask students to read the text and answer the questions.
- Expected answers:
Wrapping up (3’)
- Summarize the main point of the lesson in brief
- Assign Ss homework: 
Do the exercises in handouts
Read Looking back and Project at home
Do as appointed
Activity 1
- Work in four groups, vote for the best invention among the given list.
- Students have more chance to practice speaking.
- Pay attention to the four criteria when they do voting.
Activity 2
- Prepare well for the presentation with strong argument to protect the group’s vot

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_10_thi_diem_unit_5_inventions_nam_hoc.docx