Bài tập ôn thi học kì 1 - Tiếng Anh 10

Bài tập ôn thi học kì 1 - Tiếng Anh 10


Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:

1/ A. chemist B. change C. child D. cheap

2/ A. plenty B. fairy C. sky D. weekly

3/ A. feather B. head C. healthy D. meat

4/ A. found B. shout C. bought D. mouse

5/ A. known B. king C. make D. dark

6/ A. question B. education C. situation D. collection

7/ A. find B. gift C. private D. night

8/ A. brown B. down C. now D. shown

9/ A. kitchen B. when C. mess D. debt

10/ A. desks B. rulers C. bags D. pens

Exercise 2: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:

1/ A. computer B. different C. capable D. calculate

2/ A. number B. software C. manage D. invent

3/ A. become B. hardware C. letter D. music

4/ A. office B. language C. around D. other

5/ A. beauty B. machine C. daily D. modern


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 BÀI TẬP ÔN THI HỌC KÌ 1- Tiếng Anh 10
Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:
1/ A. chemist	B. change	C. child	 D. cheap
2/ A. plenty	B. fairy	C. sky	D. weekly 
3/ A. feather	B. head	C. healthy	D. meat 
4/ A. found	B. shout	C. bought	D. mouse
5/ A. known	B. king	C. make	 D. dark
6/ A. question	B. education	C. situation	D. collection
7/ A. find	B. gift	C. private	D. night
8/ A. brown	B. down	C. now	D. shown
9/ A. kitchen	B. when	C. mess	 D. debt
10/ A. desks	B. rulers	C. bags	 D. pens
Exercise 2: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. computer	 B. different	C. capable	D. calculate
2/ A. number	B. software	C. manage	D. invent
3/ A. become	B. hardware	C. letter	 D. music
4/ A. office	B. language	C. around	D. other
5/ A. beauty	B. machine	C. daily	 D. modern
Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence:
1. We .............have English on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
A. usual	 B. frequent	C. usually	D. normal
2. He always gets bad marks ...................his laziness.
A. because	B. although	C. because of 	D. in spite of
3. Which of the following is NOT a type of the mass media?
A. television	B. dictionaries	C. radio	D. newspapers
4. ...............channels are there on our .....................TV?
A. How much/ nation	B. How many/ nation
C. How much/ national	D. How many/ national
5. Marie Curie was a ................student. She had a fully developed mind.
A. old	B. strong	C. mature	D. young
6. The school for .................has been here for 10 years.
A. disable B. the disable 	C. disabled	D. the disabled
7. Your bookshelf is full .................books.
A. with	 B. in	C. of 	D. by
8. Which of the following does NOT relate to the computer?
A. footwear	B. soft ware	C. floopy disk	D. hard ware
9. The Browns like ................holidays best. They are in and out of the sea all day.
A. hill	B. beach	C. activity	D. mountain
10. Threre are a lot of food and drink on the table. She..............a party.
A. is going to have	B. will have	C. has 	D. has had
11. My parents always .................me to learn better.
A. encourage	B. encouraged	C. has encouraged	D. encouraging
12. When I was a little girl, I ................with toys.
A. use to play	B. used to play	C. uses to play	D. used playing
13. I want to know the name of the girl................the first prize last year.
A. which got	B. which get	C. who got	D. who get
14. All of us enjoy................a day off.
A. have 	 B. to have	C. having	D. had
15. Our Uncle Ho.............to many countries before the August Revolution...........took place in 1945.	
A. travelled/ which	B. had travelled/ who	
C. had travelled/ which	D. travels/ which
16. A lot of presents ..................since Christmas Eve.
A. bought 	B. has been bought	C. had bought	D. have been bought
17. Some people...................in this area recently, ..............very worrying.
A. have been attacked/ which is 	B. have attacked/ that is 	
C. attacked/ that is 	D. had attacked/ which is 
18. Who ................you English?
A. do teach	B. teaches	 	C. teach	D. does teach
19. The old a lot of experiences in life.
A. has B. have	C. is having D. had
20. We are going on a .. to Vung Tau next week. 
A. two day trip	B. two-days trip	C. two-day trip	D. two day trip
21. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took .. to hospital. 
A. the sick 	B. the poor 	C. the injured 	D. the old
22. There was nobody left on the train , made me suspicious.
A. where B. that	C. which	D. who
23. My glasses are in my book bag, but I don't remember .....................................them there.
A. I put	 B. putting	 C. to put	 D. put
24. I do not know ......................the machine .Are you willing ................me with this? 
A. starting / helping 	B. what starting / to help	
C. how to start / to help	 	D. to start / help
 25. The house ...............more than 5 years ago, but I’m not going to have it done again for a while.
A. is painted	 B. was painted	 	C. paint	D. painted
26. People live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones 
A. who	B. whom	C. which D. Ø
27. A calculating machine can do calculations with lightning speed .
A. very quickly	 B. very slowly	C. incorrectly D. perfectly 
28. At last, the discussion came to an end with, the sound conclusions.
A. finished 	 B. delayed 	C. postponed 	D. persuaded
29.............................his poor family, he studies very well.
A. Although	B. In spite of	C. Because	D. Because of
30. Nam isn’t content with his present salary.
A. excited	 B. interested in	C. satisfied with	D. disappointed about
31. By the time you .........................the gift, your brother..............................in Hanoi.
A. received / arrived	 	B. had received / arrived	
C. received / had arrived	 	D. had received / had arrived
32. Television can make things........................because it presents information in an effective way.
A. memorable	 B. memory	 C. memorial	D. memorably
33. My class decided to go on a(n).........................because we wanted to relax after work.
A. destination	B. formation	C. excursion	D. permission
34. “ ............................do you have a History lesson ?” - Twice a week.
A. How long	B. When	C. How many	D. How often
35. “You must be tired. Why don't you stop ......................a rest.”
A. having	B. and had	C. to have	D. have
36. .....................the shortages of good medical care, diseases are the most terrible threat to those villagers.
A. Because of	B. Although	C. In spite of	 D. Because
37. He .....................................London 2 years ago and I .......................................him since then. 
A. left / haven't seen	B. left / hadn't seen
C. was living / haven't seen	D. left / didn't see
38. It is divided into five different parts: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic and Arctic Oceans.
A. individual	B. dissimilar	C. singular	D. many
39. Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage.
A. voices	B. desires	C. choices	D. answers
40. Ask and answer questions about the uses of modern inventions.
A. up-to-date	B. new	C. late	D. present
Execise 4 : Will , Be going to, present progressive
A: This letter is in French, and I don’t speak a word of French. Can you help me?
B: Sure. I ( stranslate) ........................ it for you.
A: Do you want to go shopping with me ? I ( go) ..................... to the shopping mall downtown.
B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?
It’s already 320 C . It ( be ) .....................vey hot today.
I ( not use) ................. the car this evening , so you can have it.
I think it ( rain) ....................... The sky is so cloudy.
We ( have) ........................ a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
He has made up his mind. He ( buy) ....................... a new motorbike.
I’d like to know whethe you ( do) ......................... anything tomorrow morning. 
No , I’m free. Why?
Oh, your luggage is ready now. What time you ( leave) ..................?
Sue ( come) ................. to see us tomorrow. She ( travel) .................. by train and her train arrives at 10. 15. I ( meet) ..................... her at the station.
The boat ( sink) .................... because a lot of water is coming in through a hole in its bottom.
 Oh, no! Look at the time ! I (be) ................................. terribly late.
I ( not work) ............................... this afternoon, so we can go out somewhere.
“We’ve run out of milk”
“Oh , have we? I ( go) ....................... and get some”
I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope you ( come ) ........................ back and see us soon.
 I’m afraid I can’t come to dinner on Saturday – I ( meet) .................. Tim.
Look at that car! It ( hit) ................... that tree.
Kate’s really unhappy at work so she ( look) ........................ for a new job soon.
We ( fly) ......................... , but we decide to drive instead.
20. Are you going out this evening? – No, I ( write) .................... some letters.
Exercise 5: Ving vs To- inf: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:
1. I must go now. I promised .. late.
	a. not being	b. not to be	c. to not be	d. I won’t be
2. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember it.
	a. locking	b. to lock c. to have locked	d. to be locked
3. He tried to avoid . my question.
	a. answering	b. to answer	c. answer	d. how to answer
4. Could you please stop . so much noise ?
	a. to make	b. make	c. to have made	d. making
5. I enjoy to music.
	a. listen	b. to listen	c. listening	d. listened
6. Have you finished . your hair yet?
	a. wash	b. washed	c. washing	d. to wash
7. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk knocked down.
	a. been	b. to be	c. be	d. being
8. I’ve put off .. the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
	a. write	b. to write	c. written	d. writing
9. Sarah gave up .. to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.
	a. apply	b. to apply	c. applying	d. application
10. Have you ever considered ..................... to live in another country?
	a. going	b. to go	c. gone	d. goes
11. Cathy suggested .................. to the cinema.
	a. went	b. not to go	c. not 	d. going
12. Would you mind .................. the door?
	a. not close	b. closing	c. to close	d. to have closed
13. Paula quit ................... alcohol three years ago.
	a. to drink	b. drank	c. being drunk	d. drinking
14. We must do something. We can’t go on ....................... like this.
	a. to live	b. living	c. life	d. live
15. My mother rarely allows me ................... things for myself.
	a. to buy	b. bought	c. buy	d. buying
16. She admitted .................. the money.
	a. to steal	b. steals	 c. steal	d. having stolen
17. It was late, so we decided ................... a taxi home.
	a. to take	b. taken	c. taking	d. was taken
18. Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed ............... him some money.
	a. lend	b. lending	c. to lend	d. lender
19. I waved to Karen but failed ................... her attention.
	a. to be attracted	b. to attract	c. attracting	d. attracted
20.We decided ............... because of the bad weather.
	a. not going out	b. not to go out	c. not go out	d. not gone
21. They seem ............. plenty of money.
	a. are having	b. to have	c. having	d. had
22. I like Simon, but I think he tends ................... too much.
	a. to talk	b. talking	c. talk	d. is talking
23.Don’t forget ............. the letter I gave you.
	a. to post	b. posting	c. post	d. posted
24. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed ...................... to the airport in time.
	a. are gone	b. going	c. to go	d. to be goimg
25. Health experts advise .................. breakfast.
	a. us not skipped	b. us not skipping	c. us not to skip	d. us not skip
26. Just keep on ............ what you like.
	a. do	b. did	c. doing	d. done
27. Aren’t you fed up ................. the same thing everyday?
	a. of doing	b. with doing	c. with do	d. on doing
28. She always believes in ................. the most of her talents.
	a. makes	b. make	c. making	d. to make
29. He refused .................... the commission with the documents.
	a. providing	b. to provide	c. being provided	 d. to be provided
30. Do stop .............. I am trying .............. a letter.
	a. to talk/ to finish	 b. talking/ finishing c. to talk/ finishing	d. talking/ to finish
31. Try ............ it. It isn’t worth ............. about.
	a. to forget/ worrying b. forget/ to worry c. forgetting/ worrying	d. to forget/ to worry
32. I regret .......... you that I can’t help you.
	a. informing	b. to inform	c. inform	d. informed
33. I regret ........... to my father’s advice. He was right.
	a. not to listen	b. not listening	c. don’t listen	d. don’t listening
Exercise 6: Choose the underlined part that is incorrect:
1/ Her well-known film, (A) that (B) won several awards, was (C) about the life (D) of Lenin. 
2/ We (A) met the women (B) with vehicles (C) that went to (D) market.
3/ Ms. Hanh is (A) the best (B) beautiful lady (C) that (D) I’ve ever met.
4/ Our teacher is (A) one of (B) the kindest and (C) most intelligent, (D) doesn’t mention handsome, men we know.
5/ Her old grandmother is not (A) enough strong (B) to go (C) walking (D) up hills.
6/ What their country (A) desires is a (B) long-term policy for investment in (C) science and (D) technological.
7/ Everyday (A) Lan has (B) breakfast then (C) she go (D) to school.
8. An air conditioner is (A) a machine who (B) keeps (C) air cool or warm when it is (D) hot or cold.
9. Look (A) . There are (B) a lot of black clouds (C) in the sky.It will rain (D).
10. He suggested (A) to go (C) to the (C) cinema with (D) him.
11. Hue, that (A) was the capital (B) of (C) our country, is on (D) the Huong river.
12. In spite of (A) she was (B) sick, she went (C) to school on foot (D). 
13. We must (A) take better (B) care of old (C) in our country (D).
14. If you didn’t (A) work hard (B), you’ll fail (C) the exam (D).
15. He said that (A) he hasn’t seen (B) her for (C) a long time (D).
16. She felt (A) very lonely in spite (B) being surrounded (C) by many people (D).
17. We didn’t use talked (A) to each other (B) when we were (C)in high school (D).
18. Jane didn’t (A) feel like to work (B), so she suggested spending (C) the day in the garden (D)
19. When (A) we met again (B), we haven’t seen (C) each other for (D) five years.
20. Dennis used to smoking (A) twenty cigarettes (B) a day when (C) he was (D) young.
21. A blind (A) person is the (B) one which (C) cannot see anything (D).
22. The (A) ferry couldn’t (B) sail because of (C) the sea was rough (D).
23. He wants to be a photography in the future.
 A B C D
24. The time of the day they enjoy most is photograph lesson
 A	 B	 C 	D
25. Biology, chemistry, and mathematics are different types of scientist.
 A	 B C D
26. People are interesting in the quality of the products they buy
	 A	 B	 C	 D 
27. She told me to shut the door but I don’t lock it. 
 A	 B C D
28. After my uncle has bought a new car, he sold his bicycle.
 A	B C	 D
29. Tom has finished his homework before he went downtown .
	 A	 B C	 D
30. He used to travelling on horseback when he was a child.
	A B C	 D
31. He didn’t used to visit HA NOI capital.
 A B C D
32. The six –month – old photographic club, who comprises 19 members.
	 A	B	 C D
33. He always goes to work on time ,where pleased her boss.
	 A	 B C D
34. I once took a photographer of my girlfriend.
 A B	C	 D
35. Tom stopped studying when he was a junior in college because he does not like school.
 A	 B C D
36. While George was reading in bed, two thieves had climbed into his Kitchen.
 A	 B	 C	 D
Exercise 7: Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
About six and a half hours after Eagle landed, its hatch (1) _______ and the Apollo 11 commander backed slowly out to its little porch. On the (2) _______ he paused, pulled a lanyard, and thus deployed the MESA, or modularized equipment stowage assembly, just to the left of the ladder. As the MESA lowered into (3) _______ with its load of equipment for lunar prospecting, a seven-pound Westinghouse TV camera mounted atop the load began shooting black-and-white (4) _______. Fuzzy and scored with lines, the pictures nonetheless held earthlings spellbound.
No one who sat that July night welded to his TV screen will ever forget the (5) _______ of that ghostly foot groping slowly past the ladder to Eagle's footpad, and then stepping tentatively (6) _______ the virgin soil. Man had made his first footprint on the moon.
Neil Armstrong (7) _______ into his microphone. And in less than two seconds the message that will live in the annals of exploration flew with the (8) _______ of radio to the huge telescope dish at Honeysuckle Creek, near Canberra, Australia, thence to the Comsat (9) _______ over the Pacific, then to the switching center at the Goddard Space Flight Center outside Washington, D.C., and finally to Houston and the (10) _______ of the world:“That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
1/ A. ended	B. started	C. opened	D. closed
2/ A. ladder	B. lift	C. elevator	D. top
3/ A. place	B. position	C. order	D. line
4/ A. painting	B. drawing	C. posters	D. pictures
5/ A. sight	B. scene	C. view	D. look
6/ A. in	B. on	C. into	D. onto
7/ A. said	B. talked	C. told	D. spoke
8/ A. hands	B. wings	C. legs	D. feet
9/ A. plane	B. ship	C. satellite	D. car
10/ A. rest	B. remain	C. last	D. others
Exercise 8: Read the passage below carefully, and then select the correct option A, B, C or D:
The World Wide Web was developed by British physicist and computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee as a project within the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. Berners-Lee combined several existing ideas into a single system to make it easier for physicists to use data on the Internet. Most important, he added multimedia—the ability to include graphics—to the hyperlink concept found in a previous Internet service known as gopher. Berners-Lee had begun working with hypertext in the early 1980s. An early prototype implementation of the Web became operational at CERN in 1989, and the idea quickly spread to universities in the rest of the world. 
Groups at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researched and extended Web technology. They developed the first browser that was used at many sites, named Mosaic, in 1993. To allow the Web to be accessed from a wide variety of computer systems, researchers built multiple versions of Mosaic. Each version was designed to be used with a specific operating system, the software that controls the computer. Within a year, computer programmer Marc Andreessen had formed a commercial company, Netscape Communications Corporation, to build and sell Web technologies.
1/ The World Wide Web was developed by .........
A. an American	B. a British	C. a Canadian	D. a French
2/ The scientist who developed the World Wide Web was majoring in ..........
A. math and physics	B. math and computer
C. computer and physics	D. math, physics and computer
3/ Which sentence below is not correct?
A. Timothy Berners-Lee spoke English very well.
B. Timothy Berners-Lee was born in Geneva, Switzerland.
C. Timothy Berners-Lee was the first person to develop WWW.
D. Some existing ideas were combined into a single system by him.
4/ Which word means “a connection that allows you to move easily between two computer documents or two pages on the Internet”?
A. graphic	B. datum	C. project	D. hyperlink
5/ Which sentence is not correct?
A. “hypertext” means “a way of joining a word or image to another page, document, etc. on the Internet or in another computer program so that you can move from one to the other easily”
B. Berners-Lee had begun working with hypertext in the early 1980s. 
C. An early prototype implementation of the Web became operational at CERN in 1989.
D. The idea slowly spread to universities in the rest of the world. 
6/ Who researched and extended Web technology?
A. Groups at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B. The European Organization for Nuclear Research
C. Timothy Berners-Lee 
D. Marc Andreessen
7/ Which sentence is not correct?
A. Mosaic was one of the scientists who developed WWW.
B. The first browser that was used at many sites was developed in 1993.
C. Researchers built numerous versions of Mosaic to allow the Web to be accessed from a wide variety of computer systems
D. Each version was designed to be used with a particular working system.
8/ “multiple” in the reading means ..........
A. plural	B. single	C. only	D. numerous
9/ Which word in the reading means “the instructions which control what a computer does; computer programs”?
A. version	B. software	C. technology	D. concept
10/ What did “Netscape Communications Corporation” do?
A. to develop WWW	B. to use data on the Internet
C. to control the computer	D. to build and sell Web technologies
Exercise 9: Read the passage below carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (N):
The meanings of the terms science and technology have changed significantly from one generation to another. More similarities than differences, however, can be found between the terms.
Both science and technology imply a thinking process, both are concerned with causal relationships in the material world, and both employ an experimental methodology that results in empirical demonstrations that can be verified by repetition. Science, at least in theory, is less concerned with the practicality of its results and more concerned with the development of general laws, but in practice science and technology are inextricably involved with each other. The varying interplay of the two can be observed in the historical development of such practitioners as chemists, engineers, physicists, astronomers, carpenters, potters, and many other specialists. Differing educational requirements, social status, vocabulary, methodology, and types of rewards, as well as institutional objectives and professional goals, contribute to such distinctions as can be made between the activities of scientists and technologists; but throughout history the practitioners of “pure” science have made many practical as well as theoretical contributions.
1/ The meanings of the terms science and technology have stayed the same. 
2/ We can find more similarities than differences between the terms.
3/ Only science implies a thinking process.
4/ Technology employs a more experimental methodology than that of science.
5/ Science, at least in theory, is more concerned with the development of general laws and less concerned with the practicality of its results.	
6/ The changeable relationship of the two can be seen in the historical development of such practitioners as chemists, engineers, physicists, astronomers, carpenters, potters, and many other specialists. 
7/ There are distinctions between the activities of scientists and technologists.
8/ Institutional objectives and professional goals do not contribute to such distinctions.
9/ Throughout history the practitioners of “pure” science have made a lot of practical as well as theoretical contributions.	
10/ The reading above is about science and technology.
Exercise 10: Read the following passage and answer the questions. (1,25ms)
The best thing about television is that it is cheap, funny and educational. As a home entertainment, TV has rapidly become more popular than any other forms. It is also one of man’s most important means of communication. 
Television brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the President make a speech or visit a foreign country. Through TV, home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in far away lands. TV even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them coverage of America’s astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space.
In addition all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any other kind. The programs include motion pictures, light comedies, dramas and sporting events.
1. Why has television become more popular than any other communications?
2. What does it bring into millions of homes?
3. What can we know about the world by TV?
4. Name some programs on TV that are designed to entertain.
5. Is television one of man’s most important means of communication? 
Exercise 11: Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:
My father used to (smoke) __________ 30 cigarrettes a day.
He is used to (write) ________ with his right hand.
When I was young, I (not use) to go out for a walk.
__________you (use to) live here?
There used to (be) ___________trees in this area.
Exercise 12: Use The + Adjective from the list to complete each sentence. 
disabled, rich, deaf, unemployed, dumb, poor, blind, injured 
 1 . ..have to help . . 
 2. . .in the accident yesterday morning was taken to hospital immediately. 
 3. The little boy is helping cross the street. 
 4. ..... ..and . use a system of sign language to communicate with each other. 
 5. The government should take an urgent step to help .. . 
 6. Don’t make fun of .. . 
Exercise 13: Choose the correct word between brackets. 
 1. The rich (is / are ) .. not always happy. 
 2. The poor (is / are ) not always unhappy. 
 3. The dead never .( return / returns ). 
 4. The lazy can never .( succeeds / succeed ). 
 5. The young ( have / has ) the future in their hand. 
Exercise 14: Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1/ ___________ is a good career. I want to become a teacher. (teach)
2/ He asked his teacher for __________ to go home earlier. (permit)
3/ HCM City is an important ____________ center. (commerce)
4/ Sports are very good for our ___________. (healthy)
5/ Many elderly people are living in _______________ now. (poor)
6/ You can't work (continue) _______ for six hours without a break!
7/ Have you got anything (break) _______ in your bag?
8/ What do you call a young person who is about to leave or has just left secondary school? – A (school) _______.
9/ (Immediate) _______ she'd gone, the boys started to mess about.
10/ The company had to make (repair) _______ to those who suffered ill health as a result of chemical pollution.
11/ I try to arrange things in some kind of a system, but I'm not very (science) _______ about it.
12/ The company is making a (concentrate) _______ effort to broaden its market.
13/ His face went red with (shy) _______ when he walked into the crowded room.
14/ She seems to have spent all her life studying in (educate) _______ establishments.
15/ If we served more soft drinks, there would be fewer hangovers and, more (importance) _______, fewer drink-driving incidents.
16/ Well, you've made a (miracle) _______ recovery since last night!
17/ She is looking for a personal assistant with good (organize) _______ skills.
18/ We walked home arm-in-arm in the (magic) _______ moonlight.
19/ He is very (invent) _______, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.
20/ He gave me strict (instruct) _______ to get there by eight o'clock.
Exercise 15: Rewrite each sentence.
 1. Nobody has used the old house in the village for a long time.
→ The old house 
2. Although the traffic was heavy, he managed to get to the office in time.
→ In spite of ...............
3. They have planned to pay a visit to some caves near Huong Pagoda.
→ They are 
4. A lot of people suffer from techno stress. Those people work in my office.
→ A lot of people 
5. Because she was absent from the school yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson.
→ Because of 
6. Despite her dislikes coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm.
→ Although 
7. Mary will take a plane, even though she dislikes flying.
→ In spite of 
8. In spite of Lan’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.
→ Although 
9. We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy.
→ Despite ...
10. Despite her poor money, the old woman told interesting stories to the children.
→ Even though ...
11. Though he has been absent frequently, he managed to pass the test.
→ In spite of 
12. Nancy told me the secret despite having promised not to do so.
→ Though ...
13. We plan to buy a ticket for the drawing although we know we will not win a prize
→ Even though ...
14. It was so dark that nothing could be seen.
→ It was too 
15. After I had waited for my teacher for ten minutes, he arrived.
→ Before 
16. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
→ The man 
17. I intend to buy this car.
→ I am ..
18. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean. (although)
19. He stayed outside in the cold weather, even though he felt ill. (despite)
→ ..
20. All the trains were on time, even though the snow was heavy. (despite)
→ ..
21. Our coach didn’t arrive late, even though the traffic was terrible. (in spite of)
→ ..
22. John is absent from school. His mother’s in hospital. (Using relative clause)
23. Arlene Black never turned up. Guy invited her onto his chat show. (Using relative clause)
24. We have a neighbor. His dog barks a lot. (Using relative clause)
→ ..
25. Tom failed his exam. It make him boring. (Using relative clause)
→ ..
26. Tommy didn't want to go to the supermarket because he had a backache. (because of)
27. Because of the heav

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