Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 (Sách cũ) - Unit 9: Undersea world - Reading

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 (Sách cũ) - Unit 9: Undersea world - Reading

gulf (n) / gʌlf / : vịnh biển

sample (n) ['sɑ:mpl] : mẫu vật

oversized (a) ['ouvəsaiz] : to quá khổ

tiny (a) ['taini] : nhỏ xíu

investigate (v) [in'vestigeit]: điều tra , nghiên cứu

challenge (n/v): ['t∫ælindʒ] thử thách

biodiversity (n) : đa dạng sinh học

submarine (n) [,sʌbmə'ri:n] : tàu ngầm

Satellite (n) vệ tinh

water current(n) : dòng nước

at stake = at risk : bị đe dọa

Pollute ( v): làm ô nhiễm môi trường.

Pollution ( n): sự ô nhiễm

Release ( n) /ri'li:s/: sự giải phóng

Release ( V): làm nhẹ

To hunt for ( V) : tìm kiếm

Hunter ( n) : người đi săn


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UNIT 9. UNDERSEA WORLDUNIT 9. UNDERSEA WORLD	READINGgulf (n) 	/ gʌlf / : 	vịnh biểnsample (n) 	['sɑ:mpl] : 	mẫu vậtoversized (a) 	['ouvəsaiz] :	 	to quá khổtiny (a) 	['taini] : 	nhỏ xíuinvestigate (v) 	[in'vestigeit]: 	điều tra , nghiên cứuchallenge (n/v): ['t∫ælindʒ] 	thử tháchbiodiversity (n) : 	đa dạng sinh họcsubmarine (n) 	[,sʌbmə'ri:n] : 	tàu ngầmSatellite (n)	vệ tinhwater current(n) : 	dòng nướcat stake = at risk : 	bị đe dọaPollute ( v): 	làm ô nhiễm môi trường.Pollution ( n): 	sự ô nhiễm Release ( n) 	/ri'li:s/: 	 	sự giải phóngRelease ( V): 	làm nhẹTo hunt for ( V) : 	tìm kiếmHunter ( n) : 	người đi sănII.While you read Task 1: fill each blank with one of the word given:gulf	oversized	biodiversity	challengesinvestigate	tiny	samples	provide1. Some plants and animals are referred to as ...organisms because they are extremely small2. Thank to modern technology, scientists have been able to the life of plants and animals that live under the sea.3. A ..is a large area of the sea that is partly surrounded by land4. .is a term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment5. These scientists have collected different ..to analyse for their experiment.tinyinvestigategulfbiodiversitysamplesTask 2 : answer the questions 1. What percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans?2. How do scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth?3. What can submarines do to help scientists know about the undersea world?4. What can we learn from the satellite photos?5. What are the three groups of marine plants and animals?6. What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maitained?1. What percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans?75 percent of the earth’s surface.2. How do scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth?By using modern devices.3. What can submarines do to help scientists know about the undersea world? They investigate the seabed and bring samples of the marine life back to the surface for further study.4. What can we learn from the satellite photos? We can know a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations.5. What are the three groups of marine plants and animals?They are :- Those that live on or depend onthe bottom like starfish, - Those that move independently of water currents - Those that are carried alone by the currents.6. What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maintained? The marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity was not maintained. Though covering ........... of theearth’s surface, the ocean hasremained . to us until recently. With technologywe have now made important about the . of marine life. We have learnt that whether tiny or , allthe ................ of the sea are .three-quartersmysteriousmoderndiscoveriesbiodiversityhugeplants and animalsclosely connectedIII. POST READINGUNIT 9. UNDERSEA WORLD	SPEAKING + 	WRITINGTo dispose ( v): lọai bỏ, vứt bỏ, sắp xếp.- Herbicide (n): thuốc diệt cỏ.- Pest ( n): người làm hại,vật làm hại.- Pester ( n): làm phiền, phá hại.- Pesticide ( n): thuốc trừ sâu.- Pestiferous( adj): truyền bệnh, gây hại.- Fertilizer ( n): phân bón hóa học.- Fertilize ( v): bón phân- Smart( adj): khôn ngoan, nhanh trí.I. BEFORE YOU SPEAK:New words:butt /bʌt/: mẩu thuốc lá (còn thừa)dispose /dɪˈspəʊz/: dùng dustbin /´dʌst¸bin/: thùng rácexplosive /ɪk’sploʊsɪv/: thuốc nổfertilizer /'fə:tilaizə/: phân bónfishing line /´fiʃiη lain/: dây câufishing net /´fiʃiη net/: lưới đánh cápesticide /´pesti¸said/: thuốc trừ sâurelease /ri'li:s/: thả, phóng thíchcarnivore / ‘ka:nivɔ:/(n):	động vật ăn thịt gestation /dʒes'tei∫n / (n):	thời kì thai nghén offspring /'ɔ:fspriη /(n):	con cháulife span /laif spæn/ (n): 	tuổi thọhabitat / 'hæbitæt /(n):	môi trường sốngentrapment/ in'træpmənt/(n):	bị mắc bẫy + Gestation period (n) / dʒes'tei∫n /ˈpɪəriəd / thời kì thai nghén + Offspring (n) /'ɔ:fspriη/con, con vật nhỏ + Carnivore (n) / ‘ka:nivɔ:/ động vật ăn thịt+ Life span (n) /laif spæn/ + Habitat (n) / 'hæbitæt /+ Entrapment (n) / in'træpmənt / bị mắc bẫytuổi thọmôi trường sống+ Squid (n) /skwɪd/mực ốngSparingly ( adv): 	tằn tiện, không hoang phíTo threaten( V): 	đe dọa, hăm dọaWork in pairs to make conversationsUseful structures:- In my opinion, we should well, I think we should Do you think that we should ..Some common words: well, oh, yeah, umTask 1: Below are some actions that should be taken to protect our oceans. Say what we should or should not doExample: a) Place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins.=> We should place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins.b) Do not fish for species that are limited, threatened or endangered.=> We should not fish for species that are limited, threatened or endangered. c. .. use water sparingly and pollute it.d. dispose of fishing lines and nets properly, not in or near the water.e. .. use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment.f. learn all we can about the oceans.g. .keep only the fish that we will eat; release the rest.h. .be a smart shopper and choose seafood properly.We shouldshould notWe shouldWe should notWe shouldWe shouldWe shouldTask 1: Below are some actions that should be taken to protect our oceans. Say what we should or should not doSperm whaleRange &habitat SIZEFeeding habitsOffspringLife spanSpecial featureConservation concernsAll oceansPrefer waters with high squid populations 18 metres in length; 54,000 kg in weight 12 metres in length; 17,000 kg in weightCarnivores; eat mainly squidEat up to 1.500kg of food daily every 5 to 7 years 14 – 19 months60 or 70 yearsBiggest animals that have teeth on EarthHave the largest brain of all mammalsAt risk due to hunting and accidental fishing net entrapmentL 6+ 7L 3+ 4 L 6+ 7Male:Female:Up toGive birth to one calfGestation periodL 8+ 9L 11+ 12L 1+ 11L 12+ 133. OUTLINE OF A PARAGRAPHThe name of animalIts most remarkable feature * Supporting sentences :Range & habitat - Offspring Life span - Size Special features - Feeding habits*Concluding sentence: (Câu kết) ( câu phát triển)( câu chủ đề) - Conservation concerns* Topic sentence :Describe in detailsProblemsUNIT 9. UNDERSEA WORLD	LANGUAGE FOCUS here pair poor dear chair sure clear square tour idea where usual cheers upstairs casual atmosphere carefully actuallyI. PronunciationUnit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focusListen and repeat./iə/ /eə/ /uə/UNIT 9:Undersea worldLesson 5: Language focusPractice these sentences :1. Let’s have some beer, dear.2. What a good idea! The atmosphere here is very clear.3. Where are my shoes? They are nowhere here.4. Have you looked carefully everywhere?5. I am sure he is far from poor.6. Well , actually he usually wears casual clothes. Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focusII. Grammar and vocabulary:Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus* Formation : ( +) S + should + V ( without to) + O.( - ) S + should + not + V ( without to) + O. ( ? ) Should + S + V ( without to) + O ? * Usage : “SHOULD” is used to express advice and suggestion. 1. SHOULD:Examples: - You should study as hard as her. - They shouldn’t play games online too much.Exercise 1. a. Match each situation in column A with a suitable verb in column B. Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focusAB1. Liz needs a change. 2. My salary is very low.3. Jack always has difficulty getting up4. What a beautiful view!5. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.6. Bill’s room isn’t very interesting a. go away for a few days b. go to bed so late c. look for another job d. put some pictures on the walls e. take a photograph f. use her car so muchExercise 1. b. Now write sentences with “should” or “shouldn’t”Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focusLiz needs a change. 2. My salary is very low.3. Jack always has difficulty getting up4. What a beautiful view!5. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.6. Bill’s room isn’t very interesting a. go away for a few days b. go to bed so late c. look for another job d. put some pictures on the walls e. take a photograph f. use her car so muchExample: 1. (Liz needs a change.) She should go away for a few days. 2. (My salary is very low.) You 3.(Jack always has difficulty getting up.) He .4. (What a beautiful view!) You .5. (Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.) She 6. (Bill’s room isn’t very interesting) He . should look for another jobs. shouldn’t go to bed so late. should take a photograph. shouldn’t use her car so much. should put some pictures on the walls. How to give advice: Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focusSituation: Peter and Mary are planning to get married. You think it’s a bad idea. ( get married) I think S + should + Verb. I don’t think S should + Verb.= I think S + shouldn’t + Verb. I don’t think they shouldget married. I think they shouldn’t get married.Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focusExercise 2. Read the situations and write sentences with I think / I don’t think should...2. You don’t like smoking ,especially in restaurants. (be banned)=> I think ..smoking should be banned, especially in restaurants.3. I have a very bad cold but I plan to go out this evening  You don’t think this is a good idea You say to me: (go out) 4.You are fed up with the boss .You think he has made too many mistakes. (resign) => I think the boss should resign. You say to me: I don’t think you should go out this evening. Exercise 3. Put the verbs into the correct formUnit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus3. If I were offered the job, I think I it. (take)4. I’m sure Amy will lend you the money, I’d be very surprised if she . (refuse)5. If I sold my car, I .. much money for it. (not/get)6. A lot of people would be out of work if the factory .(close down)7.What would happen if I .that red button? (press)8.Liz gave me this thing .She . very upset if I lost it. (be)would takewould not getclosed downpressedwould berefused

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