Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 (Sách cũ) - Unit 9: Undersea world - A: Reading

There is only one ocean. It’s divided into five different parts: the
Pacific, Atlantic,Indian, Antartic, and Arctic Ocean. There are also many other smaller seas, gulf and bays which form part of them. Altogether they cover 75 percent of the earth’s surface. For centuries, people have challenged by the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean. However, today’s scientists have overcome many of the challenges ofthe depth by using modern devices. They send submarines to investigate the seabed and bring samples of marine life back
to the surface for further study. Satellite photographs provide a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations. If modern technology did not exit, we would never have such precious information.
Marine plants and animals fall into three major groups. Some of them live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move independently of water currents while others are tiny organisms that are carried by the currents like the jellyfish . Plants and animals of the sea, however small or oversized, all contribute to its biodiversity. Unless this biodiversity were maintained, marine life would be at stake.
UNDERSEA WORLDShark Dolphin King Crab Coral Jelly-fish Octopus Penguin Seal / Sea dog Turtle Squid Stingray CROSSWORD GAME12345?????1. What animal is it?1. What animal is it? CROSSWORD GAME12345?????2. What is the biggest Ocean in the world?O C T O P U S2. What is the biggest ocean in the world? CROSSWORD GAME12345?????O C T O P U SP A C I F I C3. Which animal is it?3. Which animal is it? CROSSWORD GAME12345?????O C T O P U SP A C I F I C4. On which Ocean was the Titanic sunk ?T U R T L E4. On which ocean was the Titanic sunk? CROSSWORD GAME12345?????O C T O P U SP A C I F I C5. This is the place where the Penguin can live.T U R T L EA T L A N T I C5. This is the place where the Penguin can live. CROSSWORD GAME12345?????O C T O P U SP A C I F I C5. This is the place where the Penguin can live.T U R T L EA T L A N T I CA N T A R C T I C CROSSWORD GAME12345?????P A C I F I CT U R T L EA T L A N T I CA N T A R C T I C2. What is the biggest Ocean in the world?O C T O P U S3. Which animal is it?4. On which Ocean was the Titanic sunk?5.This is the place where the penguins can live1. What animal is it?Unit 9: Undersea WorldA: ReadingI.Pre-reading: There is only one ocean. It’s divided into five different parts: the Pacific, Atlantic,Indian, Antartic, and Arctic Ocean. There are also many other smaller seas, gulf and bays which form part of them. Altogether they cover 75 percent of the earth’s surface. For centuries, people have challenged by the mysteries that lie beneath the ocean. However, today’s scientists have overcome many of the challenges ofthe depth by using modern devices. They send submarines to investigate the seabed and bring samples of marine life back to the surface for further study. Satellite photographs provide a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations. If modern technology did not exit, we would never have such precious information. Marine plants and animals fall into three major groups. Some of them live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish. Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move independently of water currents while others are tiny organisms that are carried by the currents like the jellyfish . Plants and animals of the sea, however small or oversized, all contribute to its biodiversity. Unless this biodiversity were maintained, marine life would be at stake. - Work in groups, guess the words hidden from the given pictures and information.- With a correct answer, your group will get 10 marks.GAME: CATCHING WORDS*gulf (n): vịnhThis is a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land Things that scientists bring back from the seabed for further study.sample (n)This is a modern device which the scientists use to investigate the seabed.-> submarine (n) Oversized(a)Tiny (a) investigate (v) challenge (n/v) At stake = at riskBiodiversity(n)Water current (n) I. Vocabulary:gulf (n) / gʌlf / : vịnh biểnsample (n) ['sɑ:mpl] : mẫu vậtoversized (a) ['ouvəsaiz] : to quá khổtiny (a) ['taini] : nhỏ xíuinvestigate (v) [in'vestigeit]: điều tra , nghiên cứuchallenge (n/v): ['t∫ælindʒ] thử tháchbiodiversity (n) : đa dạng sinh họcsubmarine (n) [,sʌbmə'ri:n]: tàu ngầmwater current(n) : dòng nướcat stake = at risk : bị đe dọaII. While you read Task 1: fill each blank with one of the word given:gulf oversized biodiversity challengesinvestigate tiny samples provide1. Some plants and animals are referred to as ...organisms because they are extremely small2. Thank to modern technology, scientists have been able to the life of plants and animals that live under the sea.3. A ..is a large area of the sea that is partly surrounded by land4. .is a term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment5. These scientists have collected different ..to analyse for their experiment.tinyinvestigategulfbiodiversitysamplesTask 2 : answer the questions 1. What percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans?2. How do scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth?3. What can submarines do to help scientists know about the undersea world?4. What can we learn from the satellite photos?5. What are the three groups of marine plants and animals?6. What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maitained?1. What percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans?75 percent of the earth’s surface.2. How do scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth?By using modern devices.3. What can submarines do to help scientists know about the undersea world? They investigate the seabed and bring samples of the marine life back to the surface for further study.4. What can we learn from the satellite photos? We can know a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations.5. What are the three groups of marine plants and animals?They are :- Those that live on or depend onthe bottom like starfish, - Those that move independently of water currents - Those that are carried alone by the currents.6. What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maintained? The marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity was not maintained. Though covering ........... of theearth’s surface, the ocean hasremained . to us until recently. With technologywe have now made important about the . of marine life. We have learnt that whether tiny or , allthe ................ of the sea are .three-quartersmysteriousmoderndiscoveriesbiodiversityhugeplants and animalsclosely connectedIII. POST READING
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