Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 (Sách cũ) - Unit 5: Technology and you - C: Listening

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 (Sách cũ) - Unit 5: Technology and you - C: Listening

1. Technology (n) : công nghệ kỹ thuật

+ Tech’nologist (n) : kỹ sư công nghệ

 + Techno’logical (adj) : có kỹ thuật, thuộc về kỹ thuật công nghệ

2. Software / 'sɔftweə(r) / (n): phần mềm

3. Hardware / 'hɑ:dweə(r) / (n): phần cứng

4. Calculation /,kælkju'lei∫(ə)n / (n) sự tính toán

 + calculator (n) : máy tính

 + calculate (v) / 'kælkjuleit/ : tính toán

5. Speed (v/n): tốc độ, vận tốc

 + Speed up / 'spi:d ʌp/ (VP): tăng tốc

 + lightning speed (n) /’laitniŋ spi:d/ : tốc độ ánh sáng

6. Accuracy (n) : sự chính xác

8. Miraculous / mi'rækjələs / (a): = magical

9. Capable of : có khả năng

10. Interact (v) ảnh hưởng, tương tác

 + interaction (n)


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Technology (n) : công nghệ kỹ thuật+ Tech’nologist (n) : kỹ sư công nghệ + Techno’logical (adj) : có kỹ thuật, thuộc về kỹ thuật công nghệ2. Software / 'sɔftweə(r) / (n): phần mềm3. Hardware / 'hɑ:dweə(r) / (n): phần cứng4. Calculation /,kælkju'lei∫(ə)n / (n) sự tính toán + calculator (n) : máy tính + calculate (v) / 'kælkjuleit/ : tính toán5. Speed (v/n): tốc độ, vận tốc + Speed up / 'spi:d ʌp/ (VP): tăng tốc + lightning speed (n) /’laitniŋ spi:d/ : tốc độ ánh sáng6. Accuracy (n) : sự chính xác8. Miraculous / mi'rækjələs / (a): = magical9. Capable of : có khả năng10. Interact (v) ảnh hưởng, tương tác + interaction (n)RUB OUT AND REMEMBER: Places of scenic beauty / 'pleisiz əv 'si:nik 'bju:ti/(NP): 2. Miraculous / mi'rækjələs / (a): 6. Calculation /,kælkju'lei∫(ə)n / (n): 5. Calculating machine / 'kælkjuleitiη mə'∫i:n /(NP): 3. Software / 'sɔftweə(r) / (n): 4. Hardware / 'hɑ:dweə(r) / (n):1. Scenic / 'si:nik / (a):Thắng cảnh7. Speed up / 'spi:d ʌp/ (VP): = Places where the scenes are interesting and beautiful.= Wonderful, fantastic, magical Kì diệu, thần kìMove or work quickly Thuộc về phong cảnh Phần mềm Phần cứngMáy tính Sự tính toán, kết quả Tăng tốc = Calculator3. 4. 6. II. PRACTICE: read the passage silently and do the task that follow1. Matching The words in A appear in the reading passage. Match them with their definition in B. AB1. magical2. places of scenic beauty3. interact4. software5. hardwarea. link or act on each otherb. programmes performed by the computerc. in a strange or mysterious wayd. the physical part of the computer syteme. places where the scenes are interesting and beautiful1. Task 1: Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.Computers prepare bills.Newspapers and magazines have been produced on computers.Computers are miraculous devices.Computers calculating machines which speed up calculations.TFcan notareParagraph: 1 Lines: 2,3Paragraph: 1 Lines: 3,4Paragraph: 2 Line: 1Paragraph: 2 Lines: 3,4are notcanII. READING TASKS2. Task 2: Work in groups. Answer the questions.2. Where can we visit with the help of computers?3. Can we learn foreign languages on computers?4. What makes a computer such a miraculous device?5. How can a computer add, subtract, multiply, and divide?1. Have computers become part of our daily lives? Yes, they have. We can visit shops, offices, and places of scenic beauty with the help of computers. Yes, we can. It is that a computer is capable of doing almost anything you ask it to. It can add, subtract, multiply, and divide with lightning speed and perfect accuracy.ABCDEFGAME: LUCKY STARUnit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOUC. LISTENINGMemo /’memə/ (n): bản ghi nhớmemory ['meməri] (n): trí nhớ + memorize (v) : ghi nhớ + memorable (adj) đáng nhớ = unforgettable 2. refuse [rɪˈfjuːz] (v): từ chối3. excuse: lý do, bào chữa + Make an excuse : bào chữa4. secretary ['sekrətri] (n): thư kýinteract (with) / intər’ækt/	: tác động qua lại 6. :communicate (v) : giao tiếp+ communication (n) : sự giao tiếp7. Process (n/v) /'prɔ:ses/ : quá trình, quy trình, xử lý8.Design (v) /di‘zain/ : thiết kế9. Transmit /trænz'mit/ : truyền10 .Receive (v) /ri'si:v/: nhậnBEFORE YOU LISTEN How often do you use each of the items below? Put a tick (✓) in the right column. Then compare your answers with a partner.Very oftenSome timesnever radiocell phonecamcordercomputerTVfax machine ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Task 1. Lisien to an old company director talking about his experience of learning how to use a computer. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false(F). 1.The man was worried when his son bought a computer. F 2. The man became worried when his secretary asked him to buy a computer. T 3. The man decided to take some computing lessons. T	 4. His son didn't understand about the computer. F 5. The man understood the lessons very well. F 6. The man continued to learn how to use a computer after a few lessons. FHe was very helpful. He (1)______me to sit down in front of the computer screen. I did not know what it was called. When I asked him what it was, he said that it was a VDU. I (2)______didn't know what VDU was, but I was too shy to ask him any more. From that moment my memory' (3)______ to learn because he told me a lot of things thatI really didn't understand at all. After a few lessons I began to feel tired.I made an (4) ______, saying that I had a headache.I suggested we should leave the lesson for another day. Since then I haven't said (5)______about the computer to my son and my secretary. invitedstillrefusedexcuseanythingAFTER YOU LISTEN Listen to the old man’s story again. Then retell his story, beginning the story with the following senlence:(Nghe lại câu chuyện của cụ già. Sau đó kể lại câu chuyện của cụ, bắt đầu câu chuyện với câu như sau:)The story is about an old man who doesn't know how to use a computer. The old man wasn't worried until his secretary asked him for a computer in the office. Then he decided to take lessons in computing with his son's help. He asked his son what the screen was, and he didn't know what it was although the latter explained it to him. After a few lessons, the old man began tired because he couldn't understand the many things his son told him at all. He refused to study by saying he was having a headache and suggested leaving the lesson until another day; and since then he hasn't talked about a computer any more.Phạm Thái Bạch Mai, 2017UNIT 5 – LANGUAGE FOCUSPRONUNCIATION/ʊ//u:/GRAMMARTan has opened the door.Tan has turned on the TV.Tan has tidied the house.Tan has cleaned the floor.Tan has turned on the lights.Tan has laid 2 bottles of water on the table.The firehas burnedthe houses.The houseshave been burnedthe fire.byPRESENT PERFECT IN PASSIVEActive:Passive:A new hospital for children has been built in our city.Another man-made satellite has been sent into space.More and more trees have been cut down for wood by farmers.About one hundred buildings and houses have beendestroyed in the earthquake.Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire.More than 50 films have been shown in Hanoi since June.Their hands have been washed and dried on a towel.Another book has been read by the students.Some ink has been spilt / spilled on the carpet.She has been shown how to do it.RELATIVE PRONOUNS(1) That’s the doctor.He lives next door.That’s the doctorwholives next door.(2) This is the camera.Dad bought it in Germany.This is the camera whichDad bought in Germany.Relative pronounswho / whom / which / thatNote: THAT can repalce WHO(M), and WHICH.4. THAT:Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định:Là mệnh đề cần phải có trong câu, nếu bỏ đi mệnh đề chính sẽ không có nghĩa rõ ràng. Đối với loại câu này, đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ có thể được bỏ đi. Ta có thể dùng từ that thay thế cho who, whom, which...Trường hợp bắt buộc dùng that và không được dùng that:Trường hợp phải dùng that: sau một danh từ hỗn hợp (vừa chỉ người, vừa chỉ vật hoặc đồ vật). Ví dụ: We can see a lot of people and cattle that are going to the field - Sau đại từ bất định:Ex: I’ll tell you something that is very interesting. - Sau các tính từ so sánh nhất, ALL, EVERY, VERY, ONLY: Ex: This is the most beautiful dress that I have. All that is mine is yours.You are the only person that can help us. - Trong cấu trúc It + be + + that (chính là )Ex: It is my friend that wrote this sentence. (Chính là bạn tôi đã viết câu này.) Trường hợp không dùng that: mệnh đề có dấu (,), ĐTQH có giới từ đứng trước.Lưu ý: giới từ chỉ đứng trước whom và which, không đứng trước who và thatVí dụ: Peter, who/whom I played tennis with on Sunday, was fitter than me.Or: Peter, with whom I played tennis on Sunday, was fitter than me. Not: Peter, with who I played tennis on Sunday, was fitter than me.Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định:Trước và sau mệnh đề này phải có dấu (,). Trường hợp này ta KHÔNG ĐƯỢC dùng từ “that” thay thế cho who, whom, which và không được bỏ đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề này.Ví dụ 1: My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old ➨ My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor.Ví dụ 2: Mr Brown is a very nice teacher. We studied English with him. ➨ Mr Brown, who(m) we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.which / thatwhich / thatwhich / thatwho / thatwho / thatwho / thatwhom / thatwhich / thatwhich / thatwho / thatHOMEWORK

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